Chapter 2

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"Isabeeeeelllllle darling your food is ready, get down here you have ballet lessons in 40 minutes and that's a 30 minute drive" I giggled cause my mom always said the same thing, she always wanted me to hurry up in some way and I always did. I always listened to momma and momma listened to me. " okay momma I'll be right down I'm putting on my tights" I yelled knowing that her reaction was always the same:
A warm smile. Hurrying I grabbed my pack back and my ballet shoes, once I reached the bottom on the stairs my nose filled with a welcoming smell. My mom had just cooked chocolate chip pancakes, turkey bacon and some freshly squeezed orange juice. I loved my mom for the simple fact that she made me feel like the happiest girl, even when she cooked I felt like that. " momma it looks delish" I said trying
To speak like her and her friends. " honey you're five years old not 37, try to speak your age" she said hugging me tightly. I agreed with a nod and a smile. When I was done eating in what seems two minutes we were already in the car and on our way. We arrived with just five minutes before the lesson started, perfect for me because I had time to stretch.

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