How to Write Kissing Scenes

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-How to write kissing scenes-

So I recently responded to a thread on the writing help club, where this writer was asking how to write a kissing scene without it sounding cliche...this was my response;

Well, to be completely honest, kissing in real life isn't as poetic as we would like it to be, in fact some kisses can be gross. I would say if it was your character's first kiss, make it awkward. Maybe their noses squashed together, or it took a few tries to get around one of the characters glasses.

Also, you don't always have to outright say that they kissed. Sometimes you can leave it up to the reader to assume they kissed, kind of like this;

We stared at each other. I almost felt obliged to lean my head forward...but to say that it was awkward is an understatement.

Referring to the kiss as 'it' is a great way to get your readers attention.

So let's say it's not your characters first kiss. Let's say they've been together for a while. Explaining every kiss they have will seem kind of redundant, so don't. Sometimes simplicity is the way to go. Example:

He kissed me quickly on the lips before heading to class.

That was short, sweet, and got the message across.

Okay, so let's say this is the kiss where the character suddenly realizes that she actually might love this other character. Then it's okay to fully explain the kiss...but avoid using cliche words such as;


-"Our tongues fought for dominance" (gross!)








-passion fruit

-anything involving passion really


So...yeah...that took a while to write, haha! Umm, hope this helped!


Sorry this was short, but I hope it was helpful!

LOL (lots of love)


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