Chapter 5

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Date: November 8, 2011
Location: Rossis Mansion

Rossi's POV

I came back from the party to an empty house. I call out for Emily but I get no answer, I make my way to the kitchen and see a letter. I pick it up, it reads:

Dear Rossi,
I'm sorry to leave this way but I can't stay, not when Jennifer is mad at me and I don't know if I'll ever see Henry again. It's too much for me to handle right now so I'm going back to Paris. I promise I will come to visit but right now I just can't be in the states.

I know this is a horrible way to say bye but I can't let you talk me out of this, I have to go. It's better for Jennifer and it's better for me. I hope you understand because if you're against me I don't know what I'm going to do. When I get home I'll call you. I really hope you answer. Please don't be mad at me.

Emily Prentiss

I can't believe she thought I would be mad at her. Would I have been sad, yes but I wouldn't be mad at her for not being able to stand this heartbreak. Watching someone you love hate you isn't easy.

I put the letter down on the couch and turn on the TV. As I'm flipping through the channel when something on the News catches my eye. There was this bad 3 car crash, the first on was a semi flipped on its side, a small blue car had a fire raging from its hood, the last one looked the worst it was flipped upside down surrounded by nothing but trees, the front of the car was so far pushed it was almost unrecognizable. I immediately call Emily when I identify the car.

I called 4 times and got no answer. "Dammit Emily pick up the phone." I tried 6 more times before I gave up and called Hotch. He answers on the second ring.

"Hotch what kind of FBI car did you let Emily use?" I ask impatiently.

"An all-black Chevy suburban. Why?" He asks.

"Dammit, I think Emily was in a bad crash. Patch Garcia into this call and have her track that car and her phone." Within seconds Garcia was on the line, "Listen Penelope I need you to track Emily's phone and the car she was driving."

"Ok, sir." It was quiet for a couple of seconds "Sir, it looked like she's in the woods right off of Main Street. Sir what's going on."

"Garcia gather everyone, tell them to get back to the BAU now. I don't care what they're doing, they better be there." I say in a stern tone before hanging up. No Emily, you were supposed to be ok and on a plane back to Paris. Please be ok, I can't lose you again. I thought while getting in the car.

I race to the BAU and make it in record time. When I get up to our floor. I race to the conference room everyone is there except Derek. A couple of minutes later, he casually walks into the conference room.

"Whatever this is better be serious because-" I cut him off

"Derek sit your ass down and shut the hell up." Everyone looks at me surprised. "That goes for all of you." They all sit down and stare at me "I'm done with your childish games. You're mad at Emily, but you all need to realize she didn't do it for herself. She did it for us! She did it to protect her family and when she comes back from saving OUR asses you guys act like she doesn't exist!" I take a minute to calm myself down, I take a deep breath then continue "I am almost positive that Emily was in a bad car accident. If you are too childish to help me figure out if she did then leave." I look around the room and no one moves. "Ok, so let's work"

"Um... I know that every FBI-issued vehicle has a camera built-in. If you know what car she's in you can look at the camera and see if she made it to her destination." Reid said hesitantly.

"Ok, Garcia see if you could find that footage. Hotch go to the car site and see if you can get any information from them. Everyone else start calling nearby hospitals, if they don't have her then you ask if they have a "Jane Doe" from the car accident fitting her description. Am I clear?" Everyone starts getting to work.

I go to my office and call every firefighter, EMT, and police officer that owes me a favor but they all had nothing. The only piece of information I could get from the fire captain before he was pulled away was that whoever was in the car would be hard to rescue. He told me that because it was night time, and the car was on the side of an embankment, no one could go down there until they secured the car but he didn't know how long it would take. My heart broke when I heard those words.

Garcia rushes into my room with tears in her eyes. "Sir it's her and she left a message" I rush to the room there's a paused video on the screen. I tried to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to watch but little did I know nothing could prepare me for what I was about to see.

Garcia starts the video and everything looked fine aside from the fact that you could tell Emily had been crying. That's when it happened, she swerved to avoid hitting a semi, lost control of the car and drove off the road into the embankment. Her car flipped 3 times before it finally landed upside down surrounded by trees. Just as I think it's over she begins to speak.

"Oh god, this hurts!" She takes a shaky breath then starts again "I'm losing more blood than I didn't with Doyle -chuckle- aghh! Um... I know there's a camera somewhere in this car so I know you guys are watching. I have to speak fast. I'm losing too much blood. Uhh... Rossi thank you for being the only that didn't hate me, it was an honor to have a father figure like you. Derek, I know you hate me but you're still my best friend and my drinking buddy. -cough- Dr. Spencer Reid you truly are the best little brother anyone could ask for. Penelope, you keep that smile on your face for me ok? Hotch take a couple of tips from her and learn to smile more. -coughs up blood- agh! Dam that's not good. -chuckles- aghh! Uh- Jayje my pretty little blackbird, I know you don't love me anymore but... I still love you. You and Henry are still my world. I always wanted to make you a "Prentiss'' one day but clearly, that's not going to happen. I just wanted you guys to know I love you all so muc..."

She blacked out. It was like the world stopped. I just officially lost the closest thing I had to a daughter. My eyes were watery as I looked around the room and everyone's eyes were the same. Tear filled. Then a phone started buzzing, JJ frantically rummaged through her pockets. She grabs the phone then answers.


Yeah I know I'm a horrible person for this cliffhanger but I will update in the next couple of days. I'm trying to think if things should get more traumatic or not. Yeah but let me know what you guys think.

Side note I had this short story for jemily that I made a little while ago do you think I should publish it?

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