Chapter 4

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Date: November 8, 2011
Location: Rossi Mansion

Emily's POV

I had been back in Virginia for 3 weeks and the team still hated me. Ever since me and Rossi's dinner I had been living in his mansion, at first I didn't want to stay and intruders but he insisted, he didn't like the idea of me living in a hotel. Honestly, it's nice living with him because his house is so big we didn't really see each other unless it was dinner time or if we were just lounging on the couch. Even though it was nice I still hated the team not talking to me.

One day Rossi had a team dinner because they had a really rough case. I didn't know what time the team was going to be there so I thought I had time to go to the gym and come back. When I got back I saw everyone's cars in the driveway, I wanted to turn back but I had no place to go. So I bit the bullet and walked in, I went straight to the kitchen to grab water. I heard everyone in the living room laughing. Then I heard Rossi.

"Hey Kiddo, you want some food? Afterward, we're going to watch a movie if you want to join." He said. I wanted to choke him. He knew I didn't want to see the team and he called me out anyway. I walked to the living and everyone was staring at me. I clear my throat.

"Umm... yeah but can I take my plate to my room." He nods. "About the movie, I think I just want to take a shower and lay down so I'll see you in the morning." Sadness spread on his face but he still nodded in understanding.
End of flashback

Moments like that with the team sucked, the people that once loved having me around now hate my presence. Today was Henry's birthday and as much as I hated missing it I didn't know if JJ or the team would want me there. So I gave my gift for Henry to Rossi so he could take it and I asked him to send me a video of him opening his gifts. When Rossi left I went into my room and cried for my son. I never missed a birthday but as long a JJ is mad at me I guess this will be the new normal birthday celebration.


Today was Henry's 3rd birthday, I had everything set up perfectly. The party was Paw Patrol themed because Henry loved the show. At 1 pm everyone starts to make their way to the party. First, it was Reid, followed by Hotch, Jack, and Beth, and not too far behind them was Derek and Penelope. We were all talking and having a good time when the doorbell rang. I got up, answered the door and it was Rossi holding a decent sized gift bag, I invited him and he pulled me into the kitchen to talk.

"Hey JJ, this is Emily's gift to him. She told me to give it to you first, along with this..." he pulls a letter out of his jacket pocket and hands it to me. "I don't know what it says but please read it." He sent the bag on the counter in front of me and left the kitchen. I take a deep breath and open the letter.

Dear JJ,
If you decide to read this I'm sorry for not showing up but I didn't know if you wanted me there so I didn't want to just show up and intrude.

This letter part of the letter is regarding the gift I bought Henry. If you look in the bag there are a couple of different toys and an iPad. If you don't want him to have it the receipt is taped to the back of the box. If you let him keep it my number is on it if he ever wants to FaceTime.

This part of the letter is for you, I know that you don't want me here so I booked a flight back to Paris. It leaves at 10 pm tonight. If you want me to stay just call me or text me, if not I'll be gone before tomorrow morning. I just wanted to say that I really love you and I hope you call because I want my family back. I didn't have a choice I did it to keep you and Henry safe, you know I would put your life over mine and that's what I did. If I would've called you they could've come for you and hurt you, we both know I couldn't let that happen. I'm sorry for all the pain and hurt I caused you but just know it hurt me leaving you guys too. I went from seeing my son and girlfriend all the time to me being alone in an apartment all the way across the ocean. If you call I will do anything to make it up to you and Henry, I know you know that I truly mean that so please call. I love you.
Emily Prentiss

Tears were streaming down my cheeks, I didn't know if I wanted to call her or let her leave again.

"JJ what's taking you so long!" Derek yelled from the living room, I hurry to wipe my face then go to the living room.

"Sorry I was making sure all the food was warm. Come on guys, let's eat!" I said.

Everyone gathered in the kitchen grabbing plates and utensils while filling up their plates with food. We sit at the table eating, laughing, and talking but something is missing. No someone is missing. My mind wandered to her, Should I let her leave? I asked myself. God this wouldn't be happening if Emily Prentiss would've really died. My life would be so much easier right now if it really happened. I push my thoughts to the back of my head as I see Garcia come out of the kitchen with a cake that had candles lit on the top of it.

"... Happy birthday dear Henry, happy birthday to you!" We all say in unison.

"Mommy! Mommy! Can I open my gifts now?" I smile and nod.

He runs to the big table that has all his gifts on it. One by one he opens the gifts, hugging everyone when he opens their gift. He looks at me confused when he sees one more gift on the table. I nod at him to go open the gift and he does, he pulls out a variety of Paw Patrol, and Pj Mask toys, he digs in the bottom of the bag and grabs a white box that had a picture of an iPad in front of it. He hands it to me, I open the box, turn it on and see it's already set up, some of his favorite games were already downloaded along with every season on Pj Mask, Paw Patrol, and Team UmiZoomi. He looks up at me stocked.

"Mommy who's it from."

"It's from Emmy sweet pea." His eyes light up brighter than the sun.

"My Emmy?"

"Yes honey, your Emmy. She said her number was on here if you wanted to call, do you want to call her?" He nods in excitement. "Ok go upstairs and call I'll come up in a minute." I was barely able to finish my sentence when he was running up the stairs. We all chuckle.

"Guys pass me your plates so I can start the dishwasher," I said while reaching for plates, Rossi puts his hand on mine.

"Go upstairs with Henry, we got this." I set the plates down and go upstairs. I was about to open the door when I heard them talking.

"Emmy! I missed you. When are you coming home?" He asks

"Hey bubba, I missed you too but buddy I don't know if I'm coming home." I think tears began to swell in his eyes because she says, "I know bubba it sucks but you can always call me, I'm never too busy for you. I promise I'll always be here when you call ok?"

"Ok." His little voice cracks.

"No crying on your birthday. Show me what gifts you got, bubba." She said, trying to cheer him up.

I hear him running around his room showing her all the toys and how they work. I must have been standing there for hours because when I finally headed downstairs it was dark and everyone was getting ready to leave. I walked everyone out and thanked them for coming. After I closed the door I turned around to see a teary-eyed, Henry.

"Emmy had to go." He said small tears flowing down his cheeks. I pick him up and sit him on the counter.

"I know sweet pea, but now you can talk to her whenever you like, ok?" We sent in silence for a little bit before I broke it. "It's time to go to bed, let's go get you ready."

I pick him up and we go through our regular night routine, shower, PJs, then story. When I was almost done with the book I heard his little snores. I put the book down, kissed his forehead and went to my room.

I sat at the edge of the bed, I turned to look at her pillow. I picked it up then walked over to the closet, put it inside then lay back down. It's time to move on JJ. I thought while slowly drifting to sleep.

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