Chapter 3

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Date: October 26, 2011
Location: JJs House


It had been a week since Emily came back from the "dead". I honestly didn't believe it was really her but it was. I wanted to be so mad at her but I couldn't even though I yelled at her the first night, I still couldn't be mad at her. I know she wouldn't have done it unless it was absolutely necessary but I still couldn't bring myself to talk to her. Today was Friday so I had the weekend to think about how I was going to handle this situation.

I'm finally home from the long day. I plopped down on the couch and closed my eyes, within minutes I heard little footsteps running towards. I open my eyes to see Henry running towards me. I kneel down and open my arms then he jumps into them.

"Hey baby boy, how was your day?" I ask.

"It was fun, me and Nana went to the park and played all day." His eyes lit up as he told me about his day.

"Oh wow, that sounds like fun. Speaking on Nana where is she?" I ask him as I put him back on the floor to play with some toys.

"On the back porch. Can I play in the backyard, please?" He asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah. Come on." He takes my hand and walks me to the back porch where my mom is sitting. "Henry go ahead and play." He runs off and starts playing with his toys. I take a sit a seat on the other porch chair and sigh.

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing? By the way, you've been acting I know this week was rough and I know you don't want to talk about it but it'll make you feel better." She turns to me waiting for me to reply, I take a deep breath.

"You know mom Henry doesn't look like her but he acts like her. He walks with his chin high and every step he takes has power behind it, just like her because I know he didn't get that type of confidence from me. He does this smirk when he knows he's right, and she does the same thing. He may be the spitting image of me but he is her twin when it comes to mannerisms." I finally say.

"Who Emily?" She pauses "Honey I don't get what their mannerisms have to do with your bad week, can you help me understand?"

"She's alive mom. She was never dead. I didn't believe it was her until I smelled her cologne but even then I was still hesitant but she did the thing." I turned to look at her, confusion was written all over her face. "Mom, Emily is alive." She gasps.

"Jennifer, what do you mean? You said she never made it off the table and you buried her." She looked at me seeking answers I didn't really have but I did my best to explain everything Hotch said. "Wow, what are you going to do about your relationship? What about Henry?" She asks, still in shock.

"I don't really know, in the beginning, I was so mad now that I'm thinking clearly I know she wouldn't leave unless she had to but I just don't know how to speak to her right now. What if she wants to leave again, I can't handle her wanting to go back to Paris." Tears started to form in my eyes as I spoke.

"Do you still love her?" I nod with no hesitation, "Then it will work itself out just take your time. Now go get some rest, it's getting late, I'll put Henry to sleep for you." I nod and head to my room.

I hurry up and change then flopped in the bed, pull the covers over my body then grab her pillow. Her scent was faded but it was still there, I took a couple of deep breaths and everything started to slow down my breathing, then my heart rate, next was my mind and just like that I fell into a deep sleep thinking about her.

I honestly wasn't going to write because I just didn't have anyway motivation but I did anyway hints why this chapter is short and sucky. I'm sorry I'll post another chapter later today to make up for this.

Forever & AlwaysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon