Chapter 17

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Elle's POV

Life became a little hectic for me and Noah after Christmas. Noah moved to Chicago during the week between Christmas and New Year's and he started his job in his new office after the holiday. My apartment is a little small for both of us and is kind of far away from where he will be working but it is close to school for me, so we decided to stay there for now.  We will probably look for a new place after I graduate.

Noah and I have gotten used to living together pretty quickly. We had spent a lot of nights together when we both lived in Boston, but this was our first time living together. We went through some ups and downs while getting used to each other's living habits.  I learned that Noah likes to get the dishes cleaned up right after we eat and generally likes to keep things pretty organized, where I like to relax after a long day of work and school and worry about getting everything picked up later. I've known for years that Noah is more of an early riser than me, where I seem to get my energy for cleaning or studying about the time he's ready to go to bed. We had a few minor arguments over both of those issues.  Luckily for us, we were still in the honeymoon stage of our relationship and none of that stuff bothered us much. The benefits of living together far outweighed any of our differences.  As long as we could go to bed in each other's arms, we were happy. In this short time, I feel like we have gotten so much closer than we ever were before.

We rang in the New Year at a party thrown by the company where I work. We were sitting at a table with Lexi and Darren and Aaron and Josh listening to a speech by one of the owners of the company. From the stage, he started thanking us for our hard work over the year, then went on to say we made our goal for the year and were going on our trip to Mexico! In a few months, we would be spending a long weekend at an all-inclusive resort in Cancun, Mexico! The party really started after that news. I felt a little guilty because when I started my job, I told Lee he could be my plus one if we made it to Mexico. But I know he understands about me and Noah. He's going to be so jealous, though! I can't wait to go on this trip with Noah. This will be the first trip we've taken together.  Plus, we will be there with so many of our friends, it is gonna be awesome!

Noah's POV

I've been in Chicago now for almost two months. Things couldn't be better. Well, Chicago in March could feel more like LA in March. I had survived winters in Boston but quickly got used to LA weather once I moved back. I could do without winters in Chicago. But I wasn't going to complain now that I was finally here with Elle. Elle and I have been spending a lot of time with Lexi and Darren. It's fun being a part of a group like this again and it is a lot more fun to be going on a double date with Lexi and Darren with Elle than with one of those girls Lexi was always fixing me up with. We've also been spending a lot of time with Aaron and Josh. I have to laugh when I think about how jealous I was of Aaron when we first met back on Labor Day weekend, he's one of my closest friends now. I'll miss them all when Elle and I move back to LA. Not that we're planning to do that anytime soon. She'll graduate in May and already has a job offer at the company where she is interning. We are enjoying our time in Chicago, but we've decided that we'll move back to LA at some point. I never let myself give up hope that Elle and I would one day be back together but I'm honestly still shocked that we made it back to each other. I have big plans for the trip to Mexico with Elle.

I asked Aaron if he would meet me for lunch today. I have made some friends at work and other than Elle, Darren is my closest friend in Chicago. But I think Aaron is the person I need to help me today. Of my friends in Chicago, other than Lexi, he knows Elle best. I would love to ask for Lexi's help with this, but I need for Elle to not find out about it yet, and I don't believe that Lexi can keep this secret. Lexi is awesome, but she's not good at keeping secrets.

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