Part 2 - Chapter 5

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Elle's POV

Noah and I were preparing to sit down for dinner a few days after we returned from Mexico when I heard the text notification on Noah's phone.  Noah looked down at his phone and smiling, he exclaimed, "Wow, Aaron finally got his season tickets for the Bears home football games!  He wants to know what games I want to go to with him."

"That's awesome, you guys have been waiting for this for so long!"  I responded as I started to set out our dishes on the island in our kitchen, where Noah and I ate most of our meals.

Noah watched me moving between the cupboard and the island, a concerned look on his face.  "Elle, you know we may not still be in Chicago for football season this year."

"Oh right, I didn't even think about that."  Now that we were having a baby, we would be moving soon.  I suddenly felt the need to sit down.  I'm feel like I may have forgotten something we needed for dinner, but I'm distracted by the thoughts that were now running through my head.

Noah kept his eyes on me.  "We haven't talked about it since we found out, but we always said we were going to move back to LA when we had a baby.  That's still the plan, right?" 

"That has always been the plan, I want to be close to our parents, it just seems like it's coming so quickly now.  All those things we said we could worry about later are here now.  We have a million things to do before we have the baby and we're going to be so far from everyone here once we move."  Noah and I had been so excited about our news, I hadn't been thinking about how much this would change our life.

Noah grabbed my hand out of my lap, kissing my fingers.  "Don't worry, Shell, we'll be fine.  We'll get it all handled."

"So, what are you going to tell Aaron about the tickets?"  Although I had shared our news with Lexi, we really wanted to tell our families before we told anyone else.

"Well, I guess I can hold him off until after the appointment and we can tell him together once we've talked to the fam."  Noah and I had gotten an appointment set up with my doctor for the next day and we were both looking forward to finding out more about our baby.  We planned to give our families the big news after the appointment. 

"You two have been talking about going to these games together for years now.  It's a bummer you won't be able to go."  Aaron had been an amazing friend to me and I loved the fact that Aaron and Noah had gotten to be such good friends.  Now I was feeling sad that we would be so far away from him.  And the rest of our friends in Chicago.

"Don't worry, Shelly, I'm not upset about it at all.  And you know Aaron will be so happy for us.  I really couldn't be happier than I am right now."  Noah pulled me into his lap to kiss me.  He was always good at distracting me from my worries and we may have let our dinner get a little cold before we finally got around to eating.

As much as I was excited for the baby, I felt bad that Noah and Aaron wouldn't go to all the football games together like they had been talking about since they became friends.  Pretty much from the time Noah and I got back together, he and Aaron had bonded over football. 

A couple weeks after Noah moved in with me in Chicago, we invited Aaron over on a Sunday afternoon to watch the playoff football games.  Aaron and Noah had only met twice so far – the family lunch where Noah and I saw each other for the first time after our break-up and the weekend after Thanksgiving when Noah came to Chicago.  They seemed to get along pretty well at their second meeting, but I really wanted them to become friends.  I knew they both loved football, so I hoped having Aaron over for the game would be a start to their friendship.

The afternoon seemed to be going well.  The guys were getting along, drinking beer and talking about the games they were watching.  I knew this plan should work.  I had spent enough time listening to both of these guys talk about football and I knew once they got started, it seemed like they would never stop.

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