Part 2 - Chapter 2 - Super Bowl

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Josh looked at Aaron and said, "Remember our Super Bowl party a couple years ago, when Noah met Cody?"

"Elle's ex, Cody?  Noah met him?" asked a surprised Lee.  "I never heard that one."

Aaron laughed, "Yeah, I thought for sure Noah was going to lose it and if he could get through that without a fight, he must for sure be over his fighting deal." 

Noah's POV

Aaron is a huge football fan and he and Josh throw a big Super Bowl party every year.  The party after our wedding was huge, since the Chicago Bears were playing in the big game.  Being a Chicago native, Aaron was a die-hard Bears fan.  The whole city seemed to be excited for this game and even though I had never been a big fan of the Bears, it was fun to be around all that energy leading up to the big game.  Aaron and I had been watching football together since I moved to Chicago, once we realized we both loved the game.  Our mutual passion for sports is probably the main reason we've become such good friends. 

Before the game started, Elle was getting us drinks, while I was sitting with Josh and Darren, talking about our predictions for the game.  Darren got up to find Lexi, who was talking to some friends from work.  On her way back to where we were sitting, Elle stopped to talk to Aaron and some other guy I didn't know.

"Woah, that's kinda awkward, right?"  Josh asked me, nodding his head towards Elle, Aaron, and the guy I didn't know.

"What do you mean?"  I was confused about what he was talking about.

"Do you know who she's talking to?"  Josh asked me, seeing my confusion.

"Is it someone from work?  There are so many people they work with, I don't know most of them."  I'm getting anxious for the game to start, I'm not too worried about who Elle is talking to, it's not like I was going to get jealous of her talking to some guy with me right across the room.

"That's not someone from work, that's Cody."

"Cody?"  I've only heard of one person named Cody that Elle knows, but I can't believe he would be here at this party.

Josh gave me a little bit of a concerned look.  "You know, Elle's ex." 

Yeah, that's the one.  "What?  I had no idea that was him, I've never seen him before.  What's he even doing here, doesn't he live in New York?"  Suddenly I forgot about the game and my focus was drawn to Elle.  I watched her smile at something Cody said and play with her hair before moving it behind her ear.  It looked like her normal friendly body language, doesn't look like she's talking to someone she used to date.  Or someone she used to sleep with.  Okay, let's get that thought out of my head, that is not something I need to be thinking about right now.  Or ever, for that matter.

"Aaron was friends with Cody in college and introduced him to Elle.  They still follow each other on social, Aaron has shown me some of the stuff he posts from New York.  I know Aaron posted about the party and I think Cody just happened to be in town this weekend."

"Mmm."  I need some time to process this.  I'm not concerned Elle is talking to her ex-boyfriend, I'm just trying to figure out what I'm feeling about seeing her with him. 

"I haven't met him before, but I've been through a lot of Aaron's pictures from college and there are some with Cody and Elle."  Elle has shared a lot of her pictures with me also, once we started talking about our time apart, but there were no pictures of this guy.  Cody has really short blond hair and is quite a bit shorter than me, although most people are.  He doesn't look like Elle's type at all.  Of course, I think of myself as Elle's type, so I guess it's just that he doesn't look like me.

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