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Amelia....my Amelia? My Amelia?!

Is it her- could it really be her?! After twenty something years- my Amelia?

I stare, her every word like a raindrop on my eardrum. Her voice has changed....how can I be sure it's her? Is it enough evidence-?

The longer I stare, the less I'm sure. My head swims like I'm drowning....

"Tony?" Sam asks me, bringing me back to reality. Geoffrey had gone to get something....

I look at Sam. He preferred that name, because Clara gave it to him, and he loved her more than anything. And Rosie still goes by Rose.

"Tony, you're pale. What's happening? Tell me what's going on," Sam demands. Funny, he's so doting....

Geoffrey returns with another nurse and they take my blood pressure. I look back up at Amelia, who's still giving her 'hope for us all' speech.

Geoffrey snaps his fingers to get my attention. "Focus on me. Hey- focus," he snaps again until I stop staring at Amelia.

I can feel my eyes start to water....my head hurts, me heart is pounding, my lungs feel like I'm taking on water, I'm drowning....

"I-I feel....like I'm....d-drowning," I stammer.

"That's not her- it's not, is it?" I ask Geoffrey. He and the other nurse exchange confused glances and concerned expressions.

Geoffrey looks me in the eye. "Tony....it very well could be her. She's the right age, and she's the only Amelia that's come up from Rapture."

"In a city, populated enough to fill dozens of surface scraper apartment buildings and to sustain a God damn civil war, how many little girls could possibly be named Amelia?! A-m-e-l-i-a! Was her dress Navy blue with a white collar and sash?! Did she have a ribbon in her hair?! Red hair is a recessive trait- is it her?!"

Rose is over here now, trying to calm me down. I can't be here- I'm being rude, if it's her or not her- no, I need to leave.

"Pardon me...." I excuse myself quietly and stand.

Sam, Rose, Geoffrey, Paul- another Alpha, as well as Danny and Silvester- walk with me as I go to sit on the steps outside.

"What's going on with you?" Sam asks me after a moment, when my head is clearer.

I take a minute, composing the language of the response.

"That woman....the one speaking....she might have been my daughter...." I explain softly.

Sam and Rose look at each other, but Danny, Paul, and Silvester are still silent.

"Tony. It could very likely be her. But for her the memory of you isn't as clear- she was young, and like all the little sisters that have resurfaced it took her years of therapy to recover, both physically and mentally. She may not remember you, and unless that link is still intact she may not recognize you at all...." Geoffrey explained calmly.

"I....I know, but it's....it's her, isn't it?" I ask, looking at him. He nods.

What am I supposed to do with this??

I'm still reeling from the reality.

"H-How am I even....supposed to feel?" I ask.

Danny grabs my hand. "Waste no time, if she'll talk to you."

Paul nods, and Silvester places a hand on my shoulder.

If only they could have this....I know it hurts them....

"Do you want us to go with you?" Rose asks me, looming behind me. Sam awaits my answer with concerned eyes.

"....I....maybe, she's....she's giving a speech," I say, and wipe away some tears that had fallen.

I could almost laugh. The first time I've seen Amelia since- and she's giving a speech! That's my thing- I was a professor of literature, my lectures were legendary! Ha! My baby girl is giving a speech!

A sudden realization hits me.

For the past twenty-two years, she's been someone else's baby girl.

What if she's married? What if she has kids? I've missed everything- someone else got to raise her, take care of her, love her....

But....they did a good job of it. Maybe even better than I have ever done.

After a while, I take in a long, steady breath I've been needing and sit up straighter. "....Do you think she'd want to talk to me?"

Paul grabs my arm aggressively. "Let's find out!" Sam shoves him away, irritated with his impatience, but I understand it.

I feel like I could be five different people with how conflicted all of these feelings are....

When we walk back inside, the speech is over. My heart aches that I missed it, but now....now, I see her, greeting everyone with a kind smile as they thank her.

And then, she looks at me. Right across the room, directly.

Does she sense something? Or did she notice I was missing?

The....latter....seems likely. My posse wasn't particularly discreet....

I freeze again as she makes her way to me. She opens her mouth to speak, but hesitates, a confused expression crossing her face. She tilts her head slightly, her bronze waves crashing onto her shoulder.

She's grown up so strong and magnificent....everyone should respect her, immediately.

"A-Are you.... oh, my apologies. Where are my manners? My name is-"


We both pause, and I realize I've said her name at the same moment she has.

"I-I'm sorry, Miss- er-"



So she is married?

"And you are?" She inquires, extending her hand.

I place mine in hers. Tattooed onto it is the same symbol that was on my suit....the same that was on her doll....

"Theta...." she whispers.

Does she....recognize me?

She looks up at me, speechless.

"Do you....remember me?" I ask.


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