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~The hell is that sound....some kind of....siren?~



*Meep. Meep. Meep. Meep.*




I swing my fist back swiftly and demolish something that makes the noise stop.

Where the hell am I??

I open my eyes and wince at the light- it's warm and yellow and very bright....but it comes from the side of the room....who'd put a light on a wall??

Oh no....am I laying down?!




....I slow my breathing down and bring my hand where I can see-

....Is this a memory??

I've....never been able to focus on my hands when in a memory.

I've never been able to focus on anything in a memory before....it's usually just a ride I'm hanging on for.


The more I stare, the less I'm sure.

I look down at myself- which I haven't been able to do with my suit on.

All I see is a soft blue....something, covering the rest of me. I lift it, and underneath is another light blue thing that wraps around....

....MY LEGS. I can see my legs!!

I missed my legs! I haven't seen them in years!!

I gotta go find Amelia! I can be a much better dad now, I can run with her and show her how to dance-!

~Ow-! Shit....~

I fall as soon as I try to run. I kicked too hard with one leg and flew forward before the other leg caught up....

Okay, okay....I just need to....go a little slower....

I stand again and steady myself. I hear some commotion down the hall....shouting, and roars....weak roars, without the glitching- and coughing, and howling, more commotion....

Probably splicers.

I turn to head the opposite way. ~Find a vent....show....Amelia....A-Amelia....~

I slow. ~Amelia....she's gone....~

I feel the weight set in again and my heart aches....I feel like I can't breathe again, and my eyes water....

I stumble to the wall and sink down, head throbbing and the pain setting in from everything I've endured....

And then, it all comes back.

With absolute clarity, everything that's occurred since I lost Amelia hits me like a wall, and I gasp, clutching at my chest as I realize that this isn't a memory.

~Holy shit....oh, holy shit....I'm not in that suit anymore....did we make it to the surface?! Is this the surface?! -SAM!! ROSIE!! Shit, I gotta find them-!!~

I spring to my feet and stumble hurriedly down a hall, hear some commotion somewhere, turn again to avoid it, and careen down another hall as I get faster and more agile and hear voices and foot patter start to gain on me.

"Hey-! Hey, stop! You're not supposed to be out of bed! Stop!" "Stop! You don't need to run- we're not going to hurt you!" "Halt! Cease?! Heel!" Mens' and womens' voices call after me, and for a moment they fall farther behind.

I lose focus and slow, and more people appear in front of me. I turn and bolt the other direction and run smack-dab into my pursuers. They grab me and try to still me as I growl and holler and fight.

"SAM!! ROSE!! SAM!!" I cry, and worry that they won't understand if they can even hear me- my voice is so different, so weak....

Another person, wearing the same weird blue thing as me, steps carefully out of their room. They're wrapped in bandages head-to-toe, and look malformed, like a brute splicer....but they're wearing a brace that tries to bring their head back to rest atop their body rather than hunched over onto their chest. I stare, locked up stiff, and the people who hold me stop fighting me and begin checking my bandages on the spot to see if I tire anything open.

"The-ta?" The creature murmurs, and my eyes widen.

"Sam....?" Wait....there's something about that voice....

"....Ron?!" I exclaim, and Sam's most healed arm shakes as he's on the verge of tears.


"Yes- yes, that's me-! Ron, it's me!" I call, and Ron- Sam- Ron dashes forward, pulling me right out of the others' grasps as we hold onto each other in a bone-popping hug. I sob into Ron's bandages....

"We made it- we made it! We didn't drown....!"

"You brought us up here....you saved us...."

"What are you talking about?....You brought me back from death...."



Over the next few days, I visit Ron....Sam, Ron....I visit him whenever I can. He goes through multiple surgeries a day, and is constantly monitored and occasionally sedated.

While he's being worked on, I wander around. I find Rosie, who turns out to be Foster- the security guard from the prison?- and get to meet a lot of the others.

I try to make time to see all forty-two of the others every week. I'm learning their names, those that know themselves at least, and if not everyone has a number. Except for Sam, Rosie, and I....I can't decide if my number should be 1 or 43, and consequently if Sam and Rosie would be 2 and 3 or 41 and 42?

So I revised it and only numbered those who didn't have names yet.

Now I just need to figure out if Sam would rather be Ron, or if Ron would rather be Sam....

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