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The next time I had a spare moment to think, it was two days before Christmas. A little over a month had passed of relentless killing and torturing. And with each passing day I found myself no longer caring.

Not that I suddenly loved killing and torturing now. I just had done it for so long that I started to feel nothing at all. Numb. And Draco noticed. He'd tried to get me to talk about it, but I shut him down each time.

The morning of December 23rd, I woke up and sat on the window seat for a while, just watching the snow fall. Draco came in a little while later and sat across from me. He didn't say anything- he didn't have to. It was just me, him, and the snow.

My eyes drifted from the window to the boy across from me. With his pale skin and hair the same color as the snow falling outside and his pointed nose and his silver promise ring and his black suit and

And I realized he represented everything I was too selfish to let go of but too selfless to know I couldn't have.

But I deserved at least one more selfish day.

"Draco," I spoke, my voice a whisper. He turned to look at me. "Can... Can we go somewhere? Just for a few hours. I need... I need to get out."

No questions were asked before he was nodding. "Of course. I'll convince mother to make an excuse for us. Where is it you're wanting to go?"

"Godric's Hollow," I said, even quieter than before. 

Draco opened his mouth to reply, then closed it in a frown. He knew it was a bad idea. I knew it was a bad idea. But I'd gone too long without feeling something. Too long without my brother. I needed to reconnect to something- anything- to bring me back.

So I stood up before Draco could tell me no, leaving him only to follow suite. As he left the room to go talk to his mother, I got changed into warmer clothes.

As I got changed I thought about Draco, who was the one thing that kept me going in this hellhole. I should call him my boyfriend, because that's what he is.

But it feels wrong. To have gone through so much love, so much loss, so much joy, so much heartbreak, to be living in the middle of a war with him... boyfriend didn't fit.

Boyfriend is the term you use when you're fourteen at the Yule Ball, dancing with your best friend turned enemy turned best friend again.

Boyfriend is for a carefree life. I life I no longer lived.

So when Draco entered the room again to tell me his mother agreed to cover for us, I turned to him and asked, "What are we?"

He was confused at first, but a small and sad smile came over his face as he understood what I meant. "Together," he said, holding out his hand. "We're together."

𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 & 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 | draco malfoy [7]Where stories live. Discover now