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I've never really believed in guardian angels or cheesy things like that. But I do now. I believe that Giovanna is with me wherever I go. I was able to be strong enough to love again, and marry. I have a wonderful son named Scorpius, and I'm sure Giovanna would love him.

I was bringing Scorpius to the Platform for his first year at Hogwarts. I looked around and laid eyes on Harry. He had married Ginny Weasley. I looked at their children. A boy that looked like Harry, a boy that looked like Harry and Ginny, a girl that looked like Ginny, and lastly... a girl. She was the girl version of Harry. 

She was Giovanna. 

I excused myself from my wife and walked over to Harry.

"Malfoy," Harry nodded knowingly, glancing at his daughter.

"Potter," I nodded back. I looked at his daughter, and Harry nodded. I looked at Ginny and she nodded as well, knowing. I kneeled down so I was the height of the girl. 

"Hello," I smiled at the girl. She smiled back and I held out my hand. "I'm Draco Malfoy. I used to go to school with your father. What's your name?" I asked her. She shook my hand.

"My name's Giovanna," She told me. My heart stopped and my smile fell. I looked at Harry, who smiled sadly. She frowned. "Is there something wrong with my name?"

"No, no!" I cried, smiling again. "I love your name. Do you know who you're named after?" Giovanna shook her head. "You were named after your father's sister. The first Giovanna Potter. Your father and her were twins, and she was my... my friend. My best friend." I started, and Harry kneeled down.

"She and Mr. Malfoy here had crushes on each other." Harry grinned, and Giovanna giggled.

"Where is she?" Giovanna asked.

Harry let me talk. "Twenty-seven years ago there was a big battle, and we had to defeat this big bad guy. Many people passed away because they were helping us. The big bad guy was going to kill me, but Giovanna saved my life. But she also passed away." I tread carefully, for this Giovanna was still young. 

"We'll never forget her, though. And you look just like her." I told Giovanna.

Scorpius walked over to me. "Giovanna, this is my son Scorpius. Scorpius, this is Giovanna Potter, Mr. Potter's son." I introduced my son to Giovanna. 

They both blushed and smiled as they shook hands. I knew that look in Scorpius's eyes. I once had it too, when I looked at my Giovanna Potter.

I may not have gotten my picture perfect happy ending, but maybe he can. He smiles up at me, and I smile back.

All was well. 

𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 & 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 | draco malfoy [7]Where stories live. Discover now