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Hermione held up the hair that had been on her sweater, and I suppressed a shiver. There was no mistaking that curled, black strand of hair as anyone but Bellatrix's.

Well, not according to Ron.

"You're sure that's her's?" He asked, and Harry shot us a look when Draco and I rolled our eyes.

Still, we kept our mouths shut as Hermione muttered, "Positive," her eyes still locked on the strand of hair.

A grim silence fell over our group, which I was eager to break.

"Splendid," I exclaimed, snatching the the hair from Hermione and dropping it into the flask of Polyjuice Potion Harry was holding.

After he, Ron, and Hermione, had met with the goblin- Griphook- and Ollivander, they had met back up with Draco and I and explained the plan.

Our destination was Gringotts. Hermione was to take the Polyjuice and turn into Bellatrix, we would magic Ron's features to fit him to look like another Death Eater, Harry would go with Griphook under his Invisibility Cloak, me under mine, and Draco with Ron and Hermione.

Careful consideration by Draco and I revealed that Voldemort probably wouldn't alert the public of two of his followers betraying him, especially when one of them was a Potter. So we decided it was still safe for Draco to travel out in public with other Death Eaters.

I had supposed it would be safe for me to do the same, but Harry didn't want to take unnecessary risks, and made me agree to hide under my Cloak.

"How will we know what it is when we get in there?" Ron asked. "Horcruxes can be anything."

"Not You-Know-Who's," Draco shook his head. It had taken a second for the two of us to remember the taboo on his name, since we were so used to saying it freely. "He takes everything personally. It's probably something that has some significance."

Harry blinked, looking at Draco in surprise. "I... yeah. Yeah, that's right, Malfoy. Plus, Giovanna and I will be able to tell. We'll know."

I grinned at Draco, who looked genuinely pleased to be helpful to the group.

"How?" Hermione asked, frowning as she looked between Harry and I.

"I don't know how to explain it. But we'll know," Harry told her.

My eyebrows were raised at his... detailed explanation. "It's like a feeling," I told Hermione. "Kind of like we had back in fifth year, when we could... sense him. I don't know. That's about as clear of an explanation as you'll get."

𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 & 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 | draco malfoy [7]Where stories live. Discover now