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It starts like a spark of fire,
At the strike of a match;
An infection spreading,
And in your cells they attach;
You catch it,
Then it gives you a fever;
Chills, butterflies, and sleepless nights;
Faces when you close your eyes,
Voices when they kill all the lights;
There's no medicine,
No vaccine;
Just laying helpless,
And staring at the ceiling restless;
Thinking till you're drained,
Dreaming till you're strained;
Breathing gets hard,
When you're not the air;
Hearing is a chore,
And to your voice noise can't ever compare;
For a while everything stops,
The world as it becomes nothing;
People as they disappear buzzing,
Time as it seizes from ticking;
And all that's ever left is the virus,
Holding you down with ropes;
Body at an invisible war,
Fighting the need for warmth;
Because warmth means fire,
And fire means danger;
And danger means cliff,
And cliff means falling.

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