juliet's promise

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I still remember
Stumbling upon your melancholy
Still in love with your bestfriend
Brooding over being forgotten
Mulling over the fact she never kept her promise
When she said you met at the wrong time
And eventually there will be a right time
But the right time never did come
So it all went spiralling down
Her words played in your head
At twilight and dawn
Her eyes flashing before yours
Like a vivid sketch drawn
You waited an eternity
Stared at the sparks from a distance
It hurt to know she fell for someone else
At college when she promised
You guys were by the bus
When she cried and laid her head on your shoulders
“I still love you.” She said
You fought yourself from kissing her
Even after all these years it's still her
Your blood the same color
Your smiles the same mouths
Your words the same substance
Are your heartbeats the same?
But she lied when she kissed him
She lied when he hurt her
And you lied when you said
You didn't love her anymore
You said you've moved on
Went to hell and back trying
Died a million times crying
Part of me wants to believe you
But I can still taste the blood in your words when you say her name
The heat in your sighs when you think about her
The swell in your fingers when you talk about her
You know to yourself you'd come running back
If she says it again
“I still love you.”
I know it myself because I'd do the same
For you.

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