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Aang came into the room we were staying in and told us that he was going to help the general by going into the avatar state.

"Aang, no. This isn't the right way." Katara replied. "Why not? Remember when he took out the Fire Navy. He was incredible." Sokka said. "There's a right way to do this. Practice, study and discipline." Katara argued. "Or just glow it up and stop the firelord." He responded. "If you two meatheads want to throw away everything we've worked for, fine. Go ahead and glow it up!" Katara said as she stormed off. "Katara! I'm just being realistic. I don't have time to do this the right way." Aang said.

"I'm gonna go make sure she's alright." I said as I ran after her. I talked to Katara for a while and we both agreed that Aang shouldn't have agreed to help General Fong before mastering all of the elements but we just shrugged it off and went back to our room.

The next morning Sokka and Katara went with Aang to help him try to control the avatar state. I stayed behind and explored the fortress.

After a while of exploring I went back to our room. I laid down and played with Momo until the others came back.

A couple minutes later Sokka came in and fell asleep instantly. Katara came in and so did Aang shortly after.

I couldn't really sleep so I got up and went outside. I heard some footsteps and got into a fighting stance. "Relax it's just me." Katara stepped out of the shadows. "Oh, sorry." I replied. "I wanted to talk to you about Aang." She said. "Sure. What's up?" I asked. "I'm not going to watch Aang try to get into the avatar state tomorrow. I was gonna ask if you were going to go." Katara wondered. "I wasn't gonna go either. I think we should start packing our stuff. We can't stay here any longer, not with the Fire Nation on our trail." I responded. "Okay. We should get back it's pretty late." Katara said as we walked back to our room.


The next morning Aang and Sokka went out to meet with the general. Katara and I started packing our stuff. We only packed the things we needed since Appa gets tired with all the weight. After we finished we laid down and Momo did some tricks to entertain us; suddenly we heard loud thuds coming from outside.

Katara and I looked at each other and ran out. "Sokka what's going on?" Katara asked. "The general's gone crazy! He's trying to force Aang into the avatar state." Sokka replied.

We went down the stairs and started fighting off the soldiers. "Maybe you can avoid me, but she can't." The general said as he trapped Kataras legs underground. "I can't move!" She yelled.

I tried fighting off the general with my firebending but he sunk my legs as well. I couldn't earth bend myself out because I probably would've crushed myself since i'm not very good.

I heard Aang and Sokka yell before everything went dark. I lit a small fire in my palm and saw that I was underground now. A few seconds later the general let us back up.

I saw Aang in the avatar state. Aang made a rock wave and hit all the soldiers, it created a lot of dust. I covered my eyes so the dust wouldn't get in them.

Suddenly Aang stopped attacking the soldiers and created an air shield around him. He got out of the avatar state and fell to the ground.

Katara ran towards him and I helped Sokka out of where he was trapped. Sokka and I got on one of the soldiers ostrich horse and rode towards them.

I couldn't really hear what the general said but Sokka hit him with his club, knocking him out. "Anybody got a problem with that?" Sokka said, the soldiers shook their heads.

"Do you still want an escort to Omashu?" One of the soldiers asked as Sokka and I got off the ostrich horse. We all looked at each other and Katara answered, "I think we're all set." We got on Appa and rode towards Omashu.

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