Chapter 2

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I'd like to dedicate this to  


Check her out.. 


Tell me what you think. 

This is not planned. 

Umm...... All suggestions are welcomed


€Edward POV(course) 

I sat down next to her. 

"Baby why are you here in the woods alone?"I asked.  

Tears sprung up in her eyes and I was sorry I asked. I wiped her tears away, off her hot cheeks. 

I tried to listen to her mind to see if she might think about it. Nothing. I got nothing. Nothing. I can't hear anything. 

Is she special? I looked at her and she was beautiful of course. She is definitely special. I looked down trying to figure this all out. How could this be? 

" They don't love me " she whimpers. Voice full of pain. 

My head snapped up. Impossible. How could anyone not love her ? I loved her already. 

"How could they leave me? They said they loved me. I cannot live an a orphanage. I'd rather die." she began to sob and the tears came more frequently. No. No. No. I hate this. What have they done. She's crying. I'm helpless. I wanted to cry with her. For her. I don't want her to be sad. Ever. Or die. I would never let that happen. She should not even be in the same sentence as death. I have to figure this out. But what can I do. 

I pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her small arms around my neck. She instantly felt my coldness but did not pull away. 

I let her sit in my lap and against my chest. She shivered a little. 

Rocking her back and fourth. I told her that I would never let anything hurt her. I told her I would love her even if no one would. I told her I would always be her friend even if the world turned their backs on her. I would always be here. Forever. Which was true. I would always be here. She had nothing to worry about. right before her eyelids dropped she whispered" Edward?" 

"Yes" I wanted to hear her say my name again. For she had the beautifulest voice.  

" I trust you" then her eyelids dropped and her face became peaceful. I could watch her sleep for years. Not that I had anything better to do. 

Yes, I loved her . Too much. 

What the hell am I going to do now? 


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