Chapter 5

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To be honest I was gonna delete this story (since I started this so long ago so many people have made other baby Bella stories) but since people still like it I'm just gonna make it a summer project.
*the song at the top is what i was listening to when writing this chapter. Let it take you from your world lol*
Dammit, Edward. What the hell ,man?" Emmett demanded. Rosalie got off him and Emmet rolled over on his stomach.

"Sorry" I apologized and Alice and I started to back out. As much as I was hoping that Bella might be in here I was actually glad she wasn't. "We thought you might be playing with Bella. She disappered from us" I explained.

"So you're playing hide-and-go-seek" Emmet got up off the floor "Sounds fun. I'm game"

And we found her huddled up in the basement,crying. And my heart instantaneously broke in the same second that I heard her three floors below me. And I could have ripped through all the floor boards to get to her. I could have. But I raced down the stairs and in secounds she was before me.

Well, hide and seek didn't last long

I did not immediately comfort her. I stood above her quietly and let her sobs rip through my flesh. I was trying to acknowledge the way she already made me feel. When she looked up at me, her beautiful, brown eyes glistened even in the dark.

"Edward" she whispered. She looked so scared and for a second I was sure that she was frightened of me too. "Oh Edward. I'm scared "

"What are you afraid of?" I asked.

"The monsters in the dark" she sniffed. I heard Emmett chuckle darkly behind me.
I felt the heat rise in me.
"What monsters, Bella?" Well are the monsters
" Don't you know that there's always monsters in the dark?" I went over to the wall and turned the lights on. The scariest monsters were always the ones in the light. They were the most vendictive. They have nothing to hide.
"Do you see any more monsters,Bella" Her eyes searched around the room. She shook her head.
"Well you are the best hider in the house. Come here Bella"

She quickly got to get feet and rested into the crook of my neck. I felt her warm breath and the wetness from her tears. I squeezed her tight and took her upstairs with everyone else. I don't think she noticed how fast I raced up the stairs with her.

In the next few minutes, it was as if she had never had her fit. I watched in the doorway with her cup of warm milk in my hand. Alice was putting small braids in her hair as she giggled at the tv. Her laugh was a melodic sound. My whole family sat near her, wrapped around her. All I wanted to do was have her to myself. I was selfish.

It felt like the day before she came into my life, was a life time ago. She had already changed me. And if I had a heart I would imagine that it would be beating like a ticking bomb in my chest right now. Everything was electric wire inside me. I was anxious for my father, Carlise, to come home. Already, I wanted to plan everything around her. But I knew that he would have the reasonable logic.

As time began to pass by, I began to to shribble up into a smaller ball. The sun began to set. Through the open windows the sunset poured in such rich colors. I watched Bella in awe as if i was under an enchantment. In a dream. Under a heavy fog I couldn't shake. Rosalie then went to the store to get food for Bella.
Bella was so oblivious to everything.

I watched as the living room became messier. And Bella twirled around. It was as if everything slowed down and time sped past me. Bella commented on how dark my eyes were. I explained that I took out my contacts. And she went back to being Alice's little Doll.
When I heard the wheels of Carlise's car pull up to the house, everyone's heads snapped up at the same time. And I realized that I wasn't the only one who was nervous.
Alice's eyes reflected my concern. But for only a secound. She turned her attention back to Bella and her face broke into a smile. Bella had to have her full attention.

I didn't want Carlise to listen to anyone else before me. I didn't want him to see Bella yet. I just needed him to hear me out first.
I raced out the door and down the driveway. I think Carlise could immediately see the worry on my face.
"What's wrong,son?"
And I explained everything with Bella from earlier today. I made it clear that I thought her parents abandoned her. His brows scrunched together in concern.
"Calm down, son. Let me speak to Bella myself". He placed his hand on my shoulder as we walked up the driveway.

When we stepped in the house, I noticed again how everyone's eyes reflected the same worry like broken mirrors. The house felt so much warmer with Bella's presence. Emmett was chasing Bella around the living room. When he caught her she broke out into a laughing fit.

We might as well have been sleeping in coffins and dungeons because for the first time when I stepped foot in the house, I felt like it was my home.
That very thought made my stomach twist in a knot.

"Hey, Bella, can you come here for a minute?" I spoke but my voice felt like it was someone else's. I sat down into a chair even though I didn't need to. Habit.
Bella ran towards me giggling.
"I'm gonna get you" Emmett ran after her and she ran into my arms. I picked her up and held her.

"I've missed you Edward" she whispered for me to hear.
" I've been here all day" And I could feel the smile on my lips.
"You weren't playing with me" she pouted.
"I'm sorry, love" I apologized.

"Hi Bella" Carlise crouched down in front of Bella. I felt so protective over her. Like Carlise was gonna snatch her and take her away from me.Even though in his mind i saw no signs of that. "my name is Carlise. I'm Edwards father."
"Bella can you tell me where your parents are"
"They left me. They left me at the orphanage." And the happy moment before was snatched from her. Her eyes filled again with heavy tears.

"Is the orphanage looking for you?" Carlise asked her. She shook her head.
"I ran far, far away from them before they could see me. They left me on the steps"
I felt the air being sucked out of the room. I didn't need to breath but God damn I had to get out of the room. In the next few secounds I was outside. I was seeing shades of red.
How in the hell could anyone not love her? How could she ever be a burden? I could not wrap my head around it. I couldn't watch her suffer. Her pain cut through my skin like knives. All she knew was that her parents didn't love her anymore. No child should have to bare that alone.

I walked back in the house once I saw Rosalie's car pull up to the driveway. The day sky traded places with the night sky. Oh, how time was so fast and slow in eternity.

Edward why don't you take Bella up to your room. I'll take care of everything
i picked Carlise's thoughts with all the other ones floating around the room
I picked Bella up without a word and carried her up the stairs. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck.
"Bella you're choking me" I joked once we reached the steps.
When we stepped in my room, i waited for the inevitable. I knew she would say something about me having no bed. Kids were always blunt.
"Is this your room?" She asked.
"Yes Bella"
"Can i sleep here too? I wanna big, big bed to jump on. And sleep on. We could build a fort!"
"Whatever you want. I will get you everything soon"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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