Chapter Eight

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Jen went home after hanging out with Matt and his friends, she really enjoyed being there, it was real and even though it wasn's good to admit, Jen liked hanging out with them better than her own friends.

It was lunchtime on Thurday and Jen wanted to hang out with Matt and his friends but she knew she should spend time with her boyfriend and her best friend. She couldn't find Owen anywhere but one of his friends said he had to stay in class to finish something for Chemistry. When Jen got there he wasnt in the classroom, she was about to leave until she heard somehting from the storage closet. She opened the door and she saw boyfriend half-naked making out with her best friend, it took a second for them to notice her,

"Jen I didn't see you there" Owen trembled

Jen could barlely get a word out

Stacey walked over and put her hand on Jen's shoulder "Jen please say something"

Jen slapped Stacey across the face "you want me to say something, you're supposed to be my best friend and honestly I expected this from him, but not from you"

"well it's kind of your fault I mean you wern't having sex with him so somebody had to"

Jen couldn't believe what Stacey was saying to her, at that moment both Owen and Stacey were dead to her "both of you can go to hell"

Jen ran out classroom and hid in the bathroom for the last two periods, and she cried and cried but she just felt worse by the minute.

At the end of the day she waited in her car and Matt sat down in the passenger seat, he could tell something was up but Jen said it was nothing, she didn't want to bother him with her problems. Jen was so distraght that she wasn't focusing on driving, the car was going into the wrong lane.

"Jen something is deffinitely up, please pull over"

with tears rolling down her face she told Matt the truth "at lunch today, I walked in on Owen and Stacey and she told me that it was my fault that Owen was sleeping with her"

"Jen, Stacey doesn't know what she's talking about, it is deffinitely not your fault. Owen is the biggest idiot I have ever met and honestly I think we need to book him into an insane asylum becuase him being insane would be the only reasonable explanation for him cheating on you"

Matt really was the sweetest guy Jen had ever met

"look I really can't drive right now, can we for a walk"

Matt nodded and they walked across the road to the park. For the first 10 minutes they walked in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence it was silence.

"Look I am so glad that I started driving you to and from school" Jen smiled

"I'm really glad too, trust me".

Jen got her head together and drove her and Matt home,
"If you're not feeling up too it we can do our report tomorrow" Matt suggested
"I'd like that, If you don't mind"

Jen pulled up onto Matt's driveway, she didn't really feel like going home but she didn't want to be alone either,

"can I hang out at your house for a bit"

"yeah of course"

Jen and Matt went upstairs to his room, they both sat down on the edge of his bed.
"I don't know what I'm going to do at school tomorrow"

"Jen you'll be okay, I mean you have loads of friends"

"See Matt that's where you're wrong, everyone is going to choose Owen and Stacey over me. Right now you may be my only friend"

Jen leant her head on his shoulder, and Matt didn't object so she stayed there, until Matt's mum called out that dinner was ready,
"You want to stay for dinner" he asked

Jen nodded and they both went downstairs.

Jen walked into school the next day, everyone was staring and whispering. She knew that even though it had only been a day, Owen and Stacey made their relationship public. A few girls ran up to her and giggled,
"So Jen, how does it feel to have gotten cheated on by the hottest guy in school"

"Just leave me alone"
Jen didn't know where to go, what was she going to do at lunch. The bell rang and on her way to class Todd ran up to her,
"Look I'm sorry about what Owen did to you"
Jen though Todd was going to say something idiotic but he was being genuine for once in his life,

"Thanks Todd"

"And Jen, a lot of us are on your side"
Jen was surprised that Todd was being nice to her, for once he wasn't flirting with her or degrading her but she was thankful that there were a few people on her side.

Lunchtime came and Jen didn't know what she was going to do, she looked at her group and realised that maybe should restart so she went in the opposite direction over to Matt and his friends, everyone was looking at her but she didn't care. She arrived at the table.
"Can I sit here".

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