Chapter Seven

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Matt was sitting with Ben and Audrey at school, Ben was going on and on about he and Jen having a conversation.
"Do you like Jen, like are you into her" Matt asked Ben
"I mean she's hot and popular but I don't have feelings for her or anything"
"Ok good"
Ben started to get excited "you like her again Matt, don't you"
Matt tried to deny it but he couldn't, he realised when they were having dinner the night before. Matt hated himself for liking her, she had a boyfriend and she was way out of his league, he was knew he was going to end up hurt which is why he pushed down any feelings he had for her before. Spending all that time with her just made those feelings resurface.

At the end of the day Matt met Jen at her car,
I'm meeting Owen after I drop you home so we can't work on our report tonight"
"Okay, I'm doing something tomorrow so we can work in it again on Thursday"
"sounds good" Jen smiled
Matt lied through his teeth, he didn't have any plans for tomorrow. He just wanted Jen to think that he had a life which he realised how stupid that was.
"Hey do you want to go get ice cream" Jen asked completely out of the blue
Matt took a second to reply, why would Jen want to be seen out in public with him
"Sure, but I thought you had to go meet Owen"
"I do but it doesn't matter if I'm a little late"

They entered the ice cream shop and ordered what they wanted, Matt and Jen discovered that they both like mint choc chip. There were a few kids from school there that kept looking at them and whispering but Jen didn't seem to care, she seemed very restless and Matt knew something was up.
"I'm sorry if I'm intruding but why do you seem like you don't want to hang out with your boyfriend"
"I mean I do it's just, I don't really know you well enough to tell you"
"Oh okay"
There was a slight pause and then Jen started to vent, she told Matt about Owen lying about where he was and how she was worried that he was cheating on her. Matt was really surprised that Jen was telling him this, Matt realised it was kind of a good thing because that means they were slowly becoming friends.
Jen buried her face in her palms "I don't know what's wrong with me, I keep treating everyone like they're my therapist"
"Nothing is wrong with you Jen, and I'm sure Owen isn't cheating on you I mean he would be crazy too, you're amazing" Matt consoled
Jen looked at Matt like it was the first time she had ever received a compliment "thank you"

The next day at school Jen went up to Matt, which she had never done while they were in school
"you were right, I had nothing to worry about. Owen explained everything, it was just a miscommunication"
"See I told you"
"Hey so do you want to walk to history class together" Jen asked
Matt really wanted to but he was scared of Owen, he realised he'll just have to hope that Owen doesn't see them walking together.
"Sure let's go" Matt answered

Jen and Matt actually started to talk while walking, they asked each other if they had any siblings, what their favourite colour was, which college they were going to go to next year. Matt was trying to get into San Diego State and Jen had gotten accepted into Stanford.
"You know it's kind of funny, you're a bigger nerd than me" Matt joked
They both laughed and they really seemed to connect more.

Owen seemed to have skipped history, which Matt was thankful for. So he and Jen sat down next to each other, Ben was a little mad that Matt didn't sit with him, the rest of the class just kept whispering and honestly Matt didn't really get why they cared so much like don't they have their own life.

After school, Matt invited Ben and Liam over to play video games, he also invited Aubrey over for they first time. On they way home Matt was telling Jen about his friends coming over, he knew it was a long shot but he asked her if she wanted to come over too. She surprisingly accepted.

Matt and Jen were alone for 15 minutes before everyone else started showing up, they were going through Matt's video game collection. Ben was the first one to show up and was very surprised to see Jen there. The three of them played call of duty, Jen had no idea what she was doing which was a little fun to watch. Aubrey and Liam showed up and Jen gave up on video games and just talked to Aubrey instead. The biggest shock for Matt was that Jen fit in really well with his friends, she was so different from them yet it was like she had been in their group since the beginning.

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