Chapter Two

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Jen started getting ready for the first day of her senior year she was about to walk out of the door,

"Jeanette aren't you going to eat something" her mother called


Jen grabbed an apple and made her way out to her car. Her phone buzzed, it was her boyfriend Owen, he was the most popular guy in school and she was the most popular girl. They had been together for almost a year but Jen still wasn't sure if she loved him or not.

'Hey can u pick me up' he texted

'Alright I'm on my way' she replied.

Jen arrived at Owen's house, he hopped in the car

"Hey babe" she said

Owen didn't reply he just kissed her, longer than usual

"Hi" he said

"What was that for"

"Nothing, I'm just happy to see you" he replied

Jen smiled at him, Owen could sometimes be really sweet but turn into a complete jackass in a matter of minutes.

They arrived at school, Jen's best friend Stacy came up to to her and hugged her,

"I missed you I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" Stacy said

"Yeah I know"

"Come on Jen we have to talk to Hannah about cheerleading practice"Stacy said

"Actually", before I could say something she pulled me away

"Bye Owen" she said.

Jen and Stacy were walking until

"Stacy I dropped out of cheerleading" Jen said

"What, you can't do that your captain"she exclaimed

"You can be captain now" Jen said

"Wait why are you doing this" Stacy asked

"I just can't be bothered anymore" Jen replied

Jen was telling the truth, she just couldn't be bothered doing anything anymore

"Fine" Stacy grumbled

"I'm sorry" Jen apologised

"Whatever I have to go to class" Stacy said, and she left

Jen understood why she was upset, Stacy just didn't understand what Jen was going through, but then again Jen sometimes didn't understand what she was going through.

Jen walked to class by herself and sat down next to Owen, he was talking to his friend who was sitting behind him.

"Hey" Jen said

"Hi" he quickly said, and turned back around.

The teacher started the lesson

Owen started talking to Jen

"So I thought maybe after class, we could ditch and maybe go back to my place, and you know"Owen whispered to her

Jen knew he wanted to sleep with her but she wasn't sure if she was ready or not

"Owen it's the first day, we can't ditch" Jen said

"Fine, well that you can come over after school"

"Okay" Jen said.

It was the end of the day and Jen and Owen were fighting, which is something they do a lot.

"Jen I just called some random kid a dork, what's so terrible about that" Owen complained

" you were being a jackass"

" oh my god you told me, get over it"

" I'm just going to go home"Jen told him

"Whatever" Owen said.

Jen knew it wasn't that big of a deal but she hated how he treated people sometimes, she realised the guy was her next door neighbour but that didn't have anything to do with it, she didn't even know him.

Jen arrived home and was greeted by her 'Dad'

"How was school" he asked

" it was good" she replied, and made her way up to her room and laid down on her bed. She was thinking about her dad, her real dad, he died when she was young and not long later her mum married John and was basically forced to accept him as her real dad. There was nothing wrong with John, he just wasn't her dad.

Jen noticed her curtains were missing

"Dad", it pained her to call him that
"Where are my curtains" she yelled out

"Your mum chucked them out, she's getting you new ones" he replied

"Great" She said to herself

Jen turned on the TV and looked outside, it was that guy from class. He wasn't very popular, I think he hanged out in one of the really unpopular groups in school, she thought . He looked up and noticed her, she quickly turned away.

Jen's phone rung

"Hello" she said

"Hey beautiful" Todd said

"Oh for the love of god" she whispered to herself

"What do you want Todd" Jen asked, Todd was good friends with Owen but that didn't stop him flirting with Jen nonstop.

"Well I heard that you and Owen had a fight after school, and I was wondering, if maybe I could come over and we could like get it on"

"Bye Todd" she said, Jen hung up the phone before he could say anything else.

A few days passed and Jen was getting ready to go to school. Her mum came up stairs

"Jeanette can I talk to you"

"Yeah what's up"

"Well I was talking to Claire and they can't afford to by their son Matt a car, so I thought maybe you could drive him to school everyday" mum replied

"Wait that kid next door" Jen asked

"Yes, it would really do Claire a favour as she wants him to talk to more girls" her mum replied

"I have a boyfriend"

"I know, but I'm not fond of Owen, and anyway I'm not saying you have to date him, just drive him to and from school" Jen's mum said

"What if I say no" Jen asked

"You don't have a choice, as I owe Claire one" her mum replied


What's the worst that could do happen, Jen thought, I mean people seeing me get out of a car with a geek, imagine what people would say.
Even though she didn't like to admit it, Jen liked the attention everyone gave her and she does care what people think of her.

Jen knew she'll have to live with people judging her for the rest of the year.

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