Chapter Five Christmas Cheer & Come On New Year

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The Holidays should be happy times, the less drama the better.....

Christmas Eve morning the house was quiet, Casey wrapped the remainder of gifts; placed them under the tree and began to prepare her Christmas dinner, she wrote down everything she was cooking:

Turkey and Dressing

Collard Greens



Potato Salad

Corn Pudding


Apple Pie

Cherry Pie

Cheese cake

Pineapple upside down cake

Casey started on her cakes and pies, she loved baking on Holidays; it was one thing she really put her heart into. The girls had gone and stayed with Cousin Alice, she would be bringing the kids around dinnertime. Jerald and Jr. were still sleeping, so Casey had time to convince herself to relax. She needed to be on her best behavior for the day; boy was it going to be a long one. Casey realized that she couldn't display her feelings in front of the family. The people who like spreading business would make things look worse than it already was. As if her life hadn't already hit rock bottom; her family could completely add fire to the flame. Jerald woke up less than an hour later; he always helped around the


"Hey Babe, Good Morning" he yawn. "What do you want me to do"?

"You can start by telling me everything that I need to know" Casey thought to herself.

Instead she put on a happy face, and continues as planned. Casey and Jerald had stopped having sex over a month ago, Jerald was so caught up; he didn't even notice. Casey on the other hand may have socked him in his face if he tempted at this point. He hadn't even realized the changes in the house. Casey had redecorated two rooms including the study, when she had her vacation in November. Casey even started packing some of Jerald's things, things that he'd ask had she seen.

"Oh no, I haven't seen it sorry"! she'd say with a smirk on her face. Knowing that the boxes in the basement were growing with his belongings tickled her.

"Hey Babe is there anything that I could do to help you"? asks Jerald again.

Casey was in a daze thinking of all the changes, she forgot to answer. "Thanks for asking honey, please peel the potatoes" Casey answered with a smile.

I got you!

The oven timer sounded so Jerald grabbed the oven mitts and placed the fresh goods on hot plates. He pulled the bag of potatoes from the pantry and rinsed them in the sink. Jerald and Casey worked silently just like always. It was the dream situation that Casey had always imagined. Her and her man working side by side in the kitchen. The silence was music of its own, two people cooking in love; supposedly.

Jerald's phone rings, "Oh I got to get dis babe, excuse me". Jerald drops everything and walks out on the back porch. Casey follows him and stands close enough to hear, but not to be seen.

"Hello" Jerald answered.

"Oh babe I'm sorry you're not feeling well" He continued. "I'll be there as soon as the guests leave". He hung up and stood there shaking his head as if it bothered him that he lived a double life. Casey assumed her position back at the counter; she was making the dressing.

"Who was that"? Casey asked as Jerald came in the door?

"Yeah, that was Vic; he said Melanie wasn't feeling well".

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