Chapter 22: To Defeat The Animals

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It never changed with her. Ever since becoming a leader of the army, Parfait had been hinting at how much she liked him, and even going to far as to chase off any other girls who might catch his interest. She was terribly jealous, and he'd heard stories of her bullying other girls into transferring to different stations just so she could have him to herself.

But that didn't mean he was going to let Parfait get away with harassing Ichigo.

- Chapter Six


Kisshu felt like he was drowning; sickening wave after sickening wave of old memories threatened to suffocate him. If Pai hadn't been gripping him so tightly by the shoulders, Kisshu would've fallen right out of the air. He felt lost. Overwhelmed.

Not to mention horrified beyond all measure. Because he remembered now. He remembered everything.

"Hey, watch out!" Kisshu flew in front of the little girl just in time, receiving the blow that was meant for her. He was bashed into the snow, and behind him the girl screamed.

The grown alien - a male, who towered over the two children - looked down at Kisshu and the little girl menacingly, a long, crude knife clutched in his hand. Kisshu's eyes darted over to the body that lay a few feet away. Long, silky hair fanned out upon the snow, obscuring the face that no longer held any signs of life. The little girl whimpered.

"Father...father, please..."

"SHUT UP!" her Father roared, taking a step closer to them. "I'll do to you what I did to your Mother!"

"No!" the girl wailed, cowering into the snow. A sudden gust of icy wind swept past them, setting Kisshu's teeth rattling. But he clenched his jaw tight, willing himself to defend this girl, to protect her. Without him, she was helpless. She would suffer the same fate as her mother.

"It's your fault!" the Father screamed. His voice was somewhat lost in the wind. "It's your fault my life turned out this way! If you hadn't been born, things would've been better for me!"

Tears were streaming down the little girl's face. Kisshu couldn't believe a Father could say something so cruel to his own child. Never mind that he didn't have a father of his own - he was sure that if his were alive, he would never have said something like that to Kisshu. From what his mother said, Kisshu's father had loved him very much.

But Kisshu didn't have time to think about that now. He whirled around and brought the girl to his chest, sheltering her as much as he could from the wind. He looked around frantically, trying to think of a place to hide her. He wanted to get her out of the way before he attacked her Father, just in case he did something wrong. He'd never actually practiced his ability outside a classroom before, and he was afraid that he might hurt her.

He spotted something. Through the fierce winds of ice and snow that billowed around them, Kisshu could see a craggy rock nearby. There was a large crack that the little girl would be able to hide in. Maybe it even led to a cave, where she could take shelter. It was a small, dark space, and perhaps it would frighten her, but it was the best he could do.

Gathering her up in his arms, he took off for the rock. It wasn't far, but if he had to guess he didn't think he weighed much more than she did, so to him, she seemed heavy. But he managed to hang onto her as he flew, ducking his head and squinting so as not to get too much snow in his eyes.

"Here!" Kisshu practically shoved the girl into the opening in the rock. "Just stay there! I'll keep you safe!"

The girl's wide, frightened eyes darted up to look at him, but he didn't have time to try and comfort her. The father was closing in on them fast, and Kisshu needed to find his Infuser. As he searched frantically though his pockets, he looked around for something to combine it with.

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