Chapter 15: An Awful, Awful Lie

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O/A/N: Just a forewarning before the next chapter: there's a brief, PG 13 sexual moment around the end of the chapter - I just wanted to say it in advance if you don't like to read that kind of thing.

Disclaimer: Don't own TMM. Do own Parfait, and the other three alien stooges, who don't really appear much anyway.

It was a dream that never changed. Except perhaps that it became more horrifying to witness each night it occurred.

- quote, Chapter 1: Ichigo, Alone


"Ichigo? There's someone here to see you."

Ichigo looked up from her desk. She'd been attempting to do her English homework, but so far the pursuit wasn't proving successful. Her Mother opened the door a little wider, and Ichigo was startled to see Ryou standing coolly in the hallway.

"This is your boss, right?"

Ichigo nodded.

Ryou's icy blue eyes looked at Ichigo calmly. "How are you feeling, Ichigo?"

Ichigo said, "Uh...fine, Shirogane-san."

"Can I talk to you about something?" he asked. Ichigo nodded.

"Is that okay, Mom?"

Of course," her Mom said, stepping away and letting Ryou walk inside. She smiled genially and said, "Just let me know if you need anything."

"Okay. Thanks, Mom." Ichigo waited until her Mother had closed the door and walked away. Then she turned her body around completely so she could see Ryou head on. "What are you doing here?"

Ryou sat himself on the edge of her bed. He gave her a look that immediately made her uncomfortable - as if he were scrutinizing her. "Tell me why you want to quit the Mew Mews," he said, not even bothering with a pretense.

Ichigo was caught off guard. "Uh, wait, when did you-?"

"Lettuce, Mint, and Pudding told me. You weren't brave enough to just come and tell me yourself, so I decided I had to come to you."

"It wasn't like that!" Ichigo said indignantly. "I wasn't afraid!"

"Then what was it?" Ryou raised his eyebrows.

Ichigo glared at him. "Well-well, see, the thing is...I can't tell you!" She crossed her arms and met his gaze. Maybe if she was stubborn enough he'd go away. He usually didn't have much patience.

Ryou said calmly, "Then you have no real reason for leaving."

"I can't transform anymore - isn't that reason enough?"

"No. Because I know you can still transform."

"I tried!" Ichigo insisted. "I was being attacked and I still couldn't do it. I don't think I have the power in me anymore." Ichigo felt the lie's bitterness in her mouth; she honestly had felt the power in her spark again when she'd kissed her pendent, but then as soon as she'd remembered her fear, the power had died away.

Ryou looked at her as if he was reading her mind. Ichigo demanded, "What is it?"

"You're afraid that Kisshu will be hurt again."

Ichigo let out a gasp.

Ryou looked satisfied with himself. "It makes sense," he said. "He's still doing pretty bad. Even after a week, he can barely teleport. You know-" Ryou speculated, "-he's probably slowing his recovery because he keeps trying to teleport here to see you."

I Belong To You: A Kisshu And Ichigo Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now