Last Hope - Snape x Reader - Part 5 - The Necklace

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Heeey! Like I said I will try to bring out every so often new parts of this! And I keep my word! Little information I guess: This part is very important to the overall story since I am planning to change the storyline a little bit, and the difference in here, will make a huge impact on the overall story <3 

As a reminder again:

(F/N) = First Name

(E/C) = Eye Color

(H/C) = Hair Color

(H/L) = Hair Length

* some text * Means that they're thinking not speaking!


The potions professor turned his eyes towards the door. "Enter." He said. You heard the door open but didn't see anyone enter. 

"Is (Y/N) here? I'm supposed to take care of her today." You turned around to see something or someone stand outside the door. He didn't fit through the door. 

"Yes I'm here hello." You spoke up. "What are ya' waiting for girl? Let's go we don't have much time! I will be taking her professor!" You looked towards the door again and decided to stand up and make your way over to the door. Reaching the door you looked once more behind you, where your eyes met the professors again. "Don't. Be. Late. Ms. Copper."

You knew that he was reminding you about your detention. 

Walking outside of the door and closing it, you looked up. You saw a big guy, with dark brown - almost black long hair and a long same colored beard. "Who are you if I might ask?" You looked at him in confusion. "Oh I forgot to introduce myself haha, I am Hagrid it's nice to meet ya' (Y/N)! Dumbledore told me to take you to Diagon Alley so we can get ya' things and your wand!" You remembered that the letter from Dumbledore did mention a name called Hagrid. You looked at him. You could tell he was a very nice and friendly person. Someone you can trust. His eyes seem so pure and friendly. I wonder if Dumbledore told him anything?" As Hagrid noticed you were in deep thoughts, he decided to speak up. "Let's go missy. We have to be back before dinner!" You nodded and followed him to the trains.

During your trip to Diagon Alley, you barely spoke. It was quite awkward for you to start a conversation, besides, you decided to follow someone you never even met before. You looked up at Hagrid's face, wondering what he could be. He didn't seem like a human, he was way too big for that. Hagrid must've noticed that you were looking up at him. "Missy, is there a problem?" He said in a very friendly, yet worrying tone. You just shake your head. "N-No. It's just...why did Dumbledore choose you Mr. if that's alright for me to ask?" You really didn't want to come off as rude. "(Y/N) You can call me Hagrid, no need to be shy! You know, I am one of Dumbledore's trusted friends, so I am assuming that's why he asked me." He gave you a soft smile. "I see." You looked once more into his eyes. They were pure. You felt like he wouldn't ever hurt a single living being in this world. 

"Hagrid, did Dumbledore tell you anything about me?" You decided to ask him. You wanted to know why he agreed on helping you get your stuff, in the end you were a stranger to him.

 "Well (Y/N). He did tell me that you're very important to him! And anyone who is important to Dumbledore or friends with him, is also my friend!"

He gave you one of the most pure smiles you've ever seen. You decided to return the smile. Hagrid was someone you could trust and rely on, so you decided to tell him everything that has happened, including who you really were. If Dumbledore trusted him this much, you knew that your trust wasn't going to betrayed by this man.

You told him everything that has happened fifteen years ago until now. Who you really were, why you're keeping it a secret. Once everything was out, you looked up to him, to see him smile. He didn't judge you. He wasn't going to tell anyone, or treat you any different from before. You could tell when you looked into his eyes. 

Last Hope - Snape x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα