Last Hope - Snape x Reader - Part 4 - The first meeting

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Heeey! Like I said I will try to update this as much as I possibly can! I got some ideas again, and caught up with it, and so far I think I have 4 more chapters written in advance already! A lot of things are coming up now, and we finally get some Snape time! I kind of do not want to rush into everything, since I actually want to build up a story with a special twist. So I hope you all look forward to it! Stay tuned and thanks again for ALL the support, and everyone reading my Story! ❤

As a reminder again:

(F/N) = First Name
(E/C) = Eye Color
(H/C) = Hair Color
(H/L) = Hair Length

* some text * Means that they're thinking not speaking!


It was about to be 6:30am and you felt how someone was slightly shaking you. You opened your eyes to see a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes shaking you. As she saw you opening your eyes and getting into a sitting position she started to speak up. "Good morning, I assume you're a new student? My name's Hermione Granger. It's nice to meet you." She said in a very friendly voice. You smiled at her and decided to answer. "Yeah, it's my first day today. Nice to meet you Hermione! I'm (Y/N) Copper. Harry told me yesterday a little bit about you!" She seemed surprised. "You met Harry already? What did he say?" Hermione was wondering. "Yeah, yesterday when I was on my way to find the Dorms, I accidentally ran into professor Snape and Harry came to help me and find the dorms! Oh and he was just like that you're a super smart witch and one of his best friends!" You told her. She seemed to enjoy that answer, because for a moment she decided to smile but then her smile turned into a normal face expression again. "I'm sorry that the first professor you met was Snape. You know, he's very hated by almost everyone. He's also the head of the Slytherin House. Be careful around him, he's not any good!"

 You looked at her in surprise and thought to yourself. *Everyone seems to hate him, but I just wonder why. I guess he did give off a cold expression, but I'm sure there's more to it. His eyes.*

You got lost in your own thoughts until you heard a "(Y/N)?" You looked up at Hermione. "S-Sorry. I was just thinking about a lot of things. Everything is still so new to me and I don't even know what class I have first." She decided to give you a light chuckle. "I'll help you of course, after all we're roommates and friends now! How about you get yourself ready and I'll check out your schedule?" - "Sure! Thank you again so much Hermione." - "No need to thank me, we all started somewhere." As she finished her sentence she pointed towards a wardrobe. "Over there is your school uniform. You'll be able to find a fitting one in there. Go change or we're going to be late ok?" You decided to nod, and go to the bathroom where you got ready for your first school day. Looking around the Bathroom you found yourself a Mirror. You took your make-up and tried to hide the scar as good as you could. I'm so happy Make-Up exists, or it would be almost impossible to hide this scar. You thought to yourself leaving the bathroom.

"(Y/N)! We have every class, but the side subjects together! This is perfect! First class is...potions. We should get going, we really don't want to be late to his class." Hermione took your hand and you two decided to walk out of the dorm and make your way towards the potion class.

You looked around the classroom, to see Harry sitting next to some guy who had red hair. "Let's go over to Harry and Ron." Hermione said. You agreed and both of you walked towards them and took your seats next to them. "Good morning (Y/N)! How was your first night in Hogwarts?" Harry gave you a soft smile. You decided to return the smile. "It was nice. The bed was actually comfortable, I was-" Before you could finish your sentence you heard the door open, turned around, and couldn't believe your eyes. It was the professor from yesterday, Professor Snape. You looked over to the red hair guy to hear him mumble: "Aaaand here we go again." The professor walked towards his table and looked around the class just to see that you were in his class now. Your eyes met his.

"So who might" He asked in a rather calm yet so much presence voice. The room didn't dare to say a single world, everyone was just staring at you. "I-I am-" You heard small chuckles around you. "(Y/N) Copper. I just arrived here yesterday." You looked him straight into his black eyes. "Well Ms. Copper. I do not accept any...trouble in my class." You were wondering if he forgot about the meeting last night.

All you could do was nod, which he seemed to accept as a response and turned around. You looked over to Hermione who seemed to to feel sorry for you. You let out a small sigh and tried to pay attention to the class as good as possible. 

To your surprise, some of the stuff you've actually read before in books. Your parents never let you use any magic, nor were there any magic books at school which would've taught you those things, but often you would've visited the public library and found yourself absorbed into books that had to do with magic and potions. Yet you still struggled with a lot of things. 

You sometimes looked over to the professor to notice he's been giving you glares here and there. Slowly you started to wonder if you did anything wrong. *Maybe he's still angry with me because I was out past curfew? It's not my fault though, I didn't know better!* You thought to yourself, but you were interrupted when you looked up to see a certain professor stand in front of you. You could tell he was annoyed with you now.

"Ms. Copper. It's your first day and already not paying...attention?" You tried to interrupt him. "P-Professor I-" Before you were able to say anything else he decided to speak up. " Detention. After Dinner. Do. Not. Be. Late." He turned around and kept going on with his class. You were speechless and just looked over to Hermione and Harry and the red haired guy to see a -I'm sorry- expression on their faces. You heard some giggles in the back but decided to not give them any attention. You tried to focus on your class the best you could after you got embarrassed in front of everyone. 

Sometimes you noticed how the potions teacher was looking at you with annoyance. You didn't know why still.

Class went by and the bell finally rang. As most of the students have already left, Harry, Hermione and the red hair guy were about to leave with you when you heard from behind a familiar voice. 

"Ms. Copper, please stay a little bit longer. I'll need to have with you. Alone." You looked once more at Harry who put a hand on your shoulder. "It's okay. We're going to the next class and we'll keep a seat for you free ok?" You gave him a smile and thanked him. As you saw Harry and his friends leave you heard the door close. You were now all alone with the potion professor. You turned around and walked towards your seat and sat down. A few minutes went by before he started to speak up.

"So Ms. Copper. What potions do you know?" You didn't know what to say. You've read about how strong potions are, and what they can do, but you didn't know about any certain special potions. How would you? After all you've been raised by muggles, who didn't allow you to know anything about magic. 

"I-I...I don't know any....I'm sorry Sir." You decided to say in a soft almost mumbling tone. You noticed how he decided to stare at you now. His black eyes meeting your (E/C) Eyes. * What has he gone through? His eyes seem like they've been hurt more than one could imagine. Those walls he's hiding behind.-* As you thought to yourself you heard a knock on the door.


Again! I want to thank everyone for reading my Story! Please keep continuing the support! It makes me always happy to see that people like my ideas! I'll try to upload the next part as soon as possible again!  Thank you all!

Little Hint ~ We are going to get a very special jewelry ~! 

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