Last Hope - Snape x Reader - Part 2 - Arrival

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Finally I am able to give you guys Part 2 ! ~ I hope everyone's going to enjoy it! I worked hard on it, and I will keep trying to update this every 2-3 days! Also *cough* next Part is going to be an...interesting meeting with a certain someone *hint hint* so look forward to it! 

* some text *  Means that they're thinking not speaking!


- - Next Day - -

You couldn't sleep the entire night, you were too excited to go to Hogwarts. It was now 7 am and you decided to shower, get yourself ready and pack some things. During the shower you wondered, what's with the scar on your forehead though? How are you going to hide this? *Won't they already assume I have some kind of connection with Harry?*  You decided to put make up onto the scar and change your hairstyle so, that you couldn't see the scar anymore. You had (H/L) and (H/C) hair, so it looked good either way. As you walked towards the kitchen you noticed that you weren't the only one who didn't sleep enough last night. You looked at your parents. They tried to be strong but it was obvious that it hurt them. "Good morning Mom, Dad." Trying to cheer up the mood you smiled and walked towards them. " (Y/N). Take this map, letter and this money. In the wizarding world you use different money." Your Father said trying to be strong. You looked with surprise at your Dad. You never understood how he was able to be strong in every situation. Of course he had moments where he couldn't control his emotions, but regardless he was always a strong man. "Thank you. I won't disappoint you or Mom." You returned with a happy smile. "We know sweetie." Your Mother said and embraced you in another hug.

You spend more time with your family, but then your Dad stood up and said: "Let's go (Y/N). We have to go to the train station." You looked at him in confusion. *Train station? Why are we going to a train station when it's not in this world?*  You lost yourself in thoughts until you heard your Dad starting the car outside . This was now the final good-bye to your Mother. You looked at her once more but she was smiling." Take care my sweetie. No matter what happens, you're always welcome here. We love you - remember that." When you heard her words full with love, you knew this was the moment to say good-bye. You turned around, walked towards the door and turned your head back once more.

"Thank you, Mom. I'll never forget anything you've done for me. I'll come visit you whenever I can." With those words you left the house and closed the door behind you. Your Dad was already sitting in the car and had everything you needed in a bag in the backseat of the car.

- - Later - -

You're now at the train station standing in front of a wall with your Dad. You look at him with confusion. "What is this Dad? Why are we staring at a wall..?" You started to laugh thinking that your Father got lost. "(Y/N) Take this ticket. Run against the wall and don't look back or go back. You have to promise me." He said in a serious tone. All you felt at this moment was that he wasn't joking. He seriously wanted you to run against a wall. You grabbed the ticket and looked once more over to your Dad who just nodded. You lifted the bag into your back. "Uh...OK." You took a deep breath. "Take care of Mom for me...and thank you for everything Dad. I love you." Speaking those final words you decided to run against the wall and to your surprise you fell through the Wall. "W-What in- Where am I?" You looked around in confusion and saw a huge train standing in front of you. It was way bigger and longer than the normal trains in the muggle world. " 9¾ leaving in 2 minutes." As you looked at your ticket you knew this was your train. You walked towards the entrance of the train where a conductor asked for your ticket. You showed him your ticket which he took and made a cut on the top and let you enter.

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