ix. nine

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"RIGHT THIS WAY." Willie told the group of four as he led them inside a building that Violet has never been inside before, yet it looked a bit familiar to her. She looked around and didn't see much, but could hear other people from inside. Where they were at, there wasn't really much to see except for some pictures that were hung up on the walls. As they walked a bit further in, she could see more people talking and having drinks with each other, and finally the whole area where it was filled with lots of people everywhere.

"So this is where your hotshot ghost lives, huh?" Luke asked. Willie just smiled at him.

"This place looks kind of familiar..." Violet trailed off as she kept looking around at her surroundings.

Alex agreed with her and asked Willie, "Yeah, we've walked past this hotel like a million times. How come we never heard of it?"

"That's because this area has been sealed off for decades." He answered. "I mean, you wouldn't even know that this place exists unless you're invited."

"Wait, i-invited?" Violet asked right after as the boys just nodded and looked around more.

Willie didn't answer her question but just smiled at her and the guys, "Alright. I gotta go make sure everything's cool, but i'll be right back."

Willie left and the four of them walked over to the railing where they could see the whole place.

"Whoa, this place is kind of fancy-shmancy if you ask me." Violet commented as she could see that everything looked a bit formal almost. She could see a stage all the way that was lit up a bit in the end and some tables and chairs that were set up, some with reserved signs on them.

"Hollywood Ghost Club." Reggie told them the name that he saw that was hung up on the wall. "This place is creepy."

"Yeah, well so are we." Alex replied to him as Violet just chuckled.

"Come on, Reggie. Don't be so scared, lighten up! This looks like it could be fun." She enthusiastically said at the boy who had a worried look plastered all over his face.

Luke kept a serious expression has he studied the place, "Okay, but remember why we came here in the first place."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah to get back at Bobby. I know. But to be honest, i've been bored out of my mind lately and this place looks like it could be very entertaining." She responded as she watched a group of people in the far end of the corner laugh. "You know what, you guys can stay up here if you want, but i'm going to go down there and see if I could make any new friends. See ya."

She walked away from the guys and could hear that Reggie still had doubts about this place. In all honestly, Violet did have to agree that the place did look a bit intimidating especially from the entrance, but what's the worst thing that could happen to them? Die? Well, they're already dead. They have nothing to lose at this point so what's the harm in checking things out.

She noticed how everyone there was dressed up all elegant and exquisite and became slightly embarrassed of her own appearance, only wearing jeans and a baggy shirt that was tucked in. Oh well, no one seemed to notice or care, and Willie didn't tell them to dress more formal so she guessed that it was fine right after.

Violet made her way towards the bar area to see if she would be able to meet some new people there. Since it was kind of crowded, she bumped into someone slightly and she immediately gasped once she felt a cold liquid.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" She apologized right away as the glass had been knocked from the other person's hands and spilled so that both of their shirts got wet from it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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