vii. seven

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IT WAS THE BEGINNING OF A FRESH NEW WEEK. Violet walked through the doors from the studio after she had came back from just walking around her old neighborhood for a little bit. She had left as the sun was rising and now the sun was high and bright up in the sky.

"Well, well, well look who we have here." She heard as she entered in the room. She rolled her eyes at Luke, who was playing his guitar working on a melody, as she sat down on the couch. "It's been ages since we last saw you."

"I was here last night, but you and Julie seemed to be oh so busy together writing songs the whole weekend, so I guess you didn't notice." Violet replied back sarcastically with a frown. She shook her head and made sure to keep a neutral face on. "Where's Reggie and Alex?"

"No clue."

"Okay." Violet replied as she got back up again. "Well bye."

Luke stopped playing on his guitar and looked up at Violet, "What? You just got here. Where are you going now?"

"None of your business."

"Come on, V. You know i'm a very curious person." Luke whined like a child making Violet sigh.

"I'm going out to see Riven, alright?" Violet answered. Luke looked at her as both of his brows raised.

"Riven? Oh your ghost friend!" Luke stated as Violet just nodded her head. "Well, can I come and meet this ghosty friend of yours?" He asked as he gave her puppy dog eyes. Violet screamed inside since he knew that when he did that it always worked on her when they were dating, and to be honest, it still works on her now.

"Nope. Bye." She replied simply before poofing out of the garage. Luke crossed his arms, making his guitar almost fall to the ground.

Violet lost her balance for a bit as she appeared at the park. She was at a more quiet area where not a lot of people were by. Most of the people there were just taking walks on the path that was paved there and since it was a late Monday morning, not many kids were there because of school.

"Hey you!" She looked to her right and saw Riven approaching her with a big smile on his face and with his guitar swung over his shoulder. Violet waved at him but widened her eyes a bit when she realized she forgot Bobby's guitar. Well, hers now that she was going to be using it.

She held up a finger indicating that she'll be right back and quickly poofed back to the garage. Luke was still there playing that same melody.

"Well that was quick." He commented as he watched Violet grabbed the guitar that was on its stand. She didn't respond to his comment and just quickly poofed out of there and returned to the park.

"Alright, back." She said as she poofed right in front of Riven with the guitar in her hand.

"Cool, so what stuff do you know how to play already?" Riven asked her as he sat down on the ground, Violet doing the same.

"Oh you know, just the easy chords." She replied as she played a few chords to show Riven. He nodded as he watched her and positioned his guitar getting ready to play something.

"Okay, so how about we start with a few plucking patterns before I teach you something new?" Violet nodded her head and followed as Riven showed her how to position her fingers and which strings to pluck. The two of them sat there together as Violet was learning. She struggled a little bit since her fingers were still soft and it hurt to press down on the strings.

"So, how did you even learn how to play?" She asked as she placed her guitar down for a moment to let her fingers rest for a moment. She looked down and saw how they were red and had a mark from pressing on the strings.

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