~ Storm ~

My feet started to give out as I made my way to the place where I felt safe at

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My feet started to give out as I made my way to the place where I felt safe at.

Walking up to the front porch I knocked before holding on to the chair.

I knocked once more as the door open and I was even more relieved than ever.

" what the hell happen to you" my best friend Chanel said as I collapsed right onto her floor.

" hey, hey storm, dad come here I need help" she yelled

I felt my body lift up and taken into their warm home.

" what happen to her?" Her father ask.

He then placed me gently on their couch. 

I could hear but I couldn't get myself to open my eyes.

" I have no idea she just passed out on the porch"

" okay let's give her some space and when she wakes will see what happen"

" sound like a plan to me dad" Chanel said before placing a soft plush blanket over me.

Eleven thirty came and my head felt like needles.

Sitting up slowly I look around to figure out if I was really at my friends house or not.

" help someone please help" I cried out

" hey Storm it's me your fine, okay your fine" Chanel embrace me into her arms and all I could do was cry myself back to sleep.


" are you feeling any better" Chanel ask me before placing a breakfast plate on my lap.

" yeah just exhausted and don't know about my life anymore" I said with sarcasm.

She looked at me while opening up her makeup kit.

" let me do your makeup while you tell me all about why you showed  up at my door the way you did"

Not wanting to bring up anything that happen to me that involved sj or his mother I began eating my food.

She folded her arms as her brow raised.

" oh really?, no your going to tell me what's going on with you" she pressed.

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