And It Was All Yellow

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Sia inspected the plants outside the R&D building. She had been strolling around its entryway for two hours now.

Walking around a green corner, she had spotted Raghav from afar. With a surge of thrill, she had rushed after him. But by the time she reached, he had disappeared inside the building. She then decided to ditch classes and wait for him for as long as it took.

Hearing the footsteps climbing down the stairs, Sia dashed inside. Her face fell on finding Akshay in front of her.

Disheartened, she smiled at him. She frowned when he didn't return the smile. What got into him now? It appeared everyone's attitude and opinions had undergone a monumental shift over the course of her long vacation.

'Hey! What's wrong?' she asked, perplexed.

Akshay replied putting a cool face, 'Nothing wrong. What are you doing here? Don't you have lectures on Tuesdays?'

Sia smiled in amusement, 'I do. I bunked today.' Then she asked tentatively, 'You are coming from the Simulation floor, right? Did you see Raghav there?'

Akshay's features went a visible transition. Looking at her with something akin to pity, he pleaded, 'Please Sia, don't do this to yourself. This is not you. You are so much better than this.'

Mystified, Sia tried to grasp the context. 'What are you talking about?'

'I know everything!' he said stiffly. 'I know he used you. I saw you two sleeping together in the hospital.' His skinny face emitting hot flush.

Incensed, Sia defied angrily, 'He didn't use me! Nothing happened between us!'

'Then why are you pursuing him? Why did he snub you yesterday in the Electronics corridor?'

'He didn't snub me.' Sia said, subdued and continued evasively avoiding his gaze, 'He - he just didn't see me.'

'Are you even listening to yourself?' Akshay scoffed. 'Everyone saw you there Sia. And now the whole college is talking about how he is trying to get rid of you and you are stalking him endlessly.'

Sia stared back at him in silence.

'I know you Sia. I know you more than you know yourself. You won't ever admit you're hurt. But I know how it feels when someone breaks your heart.' he paused and took a deep breath in. 'After everything that happened between you two, he ghosted you. He cut you off. Discarded you like yesterday's trash. Do you even know how many girls he has had affairs with? Leena, Ananya, Vini... Now your name will be added in the list. You mean nothing more to him.' He moved forward, and continued passionately, 'But you mean the world to me, Sia.'

Sia looked at him in overwhelming chaos.

Encouraged by her distraught state, he said in a assuring tone, 'I have never even looked at another girl in my life. You are my one and only.'

She continued to gawk at him with knit brows, processing many unknown bits of information.

Akshay continued, 'I don't care if he touched you. I don't care if those local men touched you. I am still ready to accept you Sia.'

Sia felt energy drain out of her legs. 'Who do you think you are to be ready to accept me?' Sia asked in scornful disbelief.

Alarmed by the contempt in her eyes, he clarified urgently, 'No, I didn't mean it that way. I meant I - '

'Stop! Just stop!' she yelled, putting forward her palm. Her eyes splitting fire with every word. 'I am done listening to you. I am done listening to the whole freaking world telling me how I am supposed to live my life. You know what? I don't care anymore. I don't care if I fail to live up to my own father's expectations. I don't care if everyone is gossiping about my character. I don't care if Raghav has dated anyone before me or not. I don't even care enough to explain you that with all his vices, how vastly supreme he is to you. I - just - don't - care. So please - please leave me alone.'

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