Love By Choice

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Saumya walked beside the impossibly quiet girl on the narrow campus road.

She had tried to stir up a conversation, but all her efforts had met abrupt ends with her brief replies. If not for her subdued body language and coy smiles, she would have totally dismissed her as impolite.

'I like the photo of an angry bunny on your t-shirt. It's funny.' Saumya attempted again.

In response, Sia smiled and turned back at the road ahead. It was still a long way to the dispensary.

Why did he ask Saumya to accompany her? Not that she wanted him to tag along, Sia decided in a hurry. But she didn't know Saumya at all, and the small talks and awkward silences were insufferable. Only if she could still get out of it. 'Think Sia. Think!'

'How are you feeling now, Sia?'

'Better Di.' Sia replied politely and added after a pause, 'You know, I really think this bump is nothing. I used to bump my head all the time when I was a kid. There is no need to see a doctor.'

Saumya smiled. 'Yeah. Perhaps you're right. But Raghav had a point. You did bump into an iron post and might need a tetanus shot. There is no harm in making sure, is there?'

'Yeah... Right.'

Two students on their bicycles rode past them. Sia would have tried to hide her bump. But she need not worry. They had their eyes glued on the girl walking beside her.

Sia stole a peek at her and couldn't help but marvel at her confident, poignant strides. A lot in contrast to her own haphazard gait.

How presentable she looked in that fitted knee-length skirt and cold-shoulder top! The subtle makeup complimenting her skin and hair blow-dried to perfection. Unlike her shapeless baggy attire, messy bundled hair and plain face.

If people saw them from far, they would dismiss her as Saumya's sloppy brother!

In so many ways, Saumya was a lot like Raghav. Brilliant, gorgeous and so confident. What a power couple would they make!

But if, God forbid, the embodiments of perfection decided to get married... Her heart sympathetically went out for their imaginary future kids. Nothing less than a beautiful sporty geek will be acceptable. Talk about parental pressure!

Saumya ran her eyes down on the self absorbed girl. What did Raghav see in her... She was pretty. Very pretty. But was that all?

'So how did you become friends with Raghav?' she enquired testily.

'We are not friends.'

Saumya raised her brows at the bluntness. 'I see.' After a slight pause, she spoke again, 'I don't know what impression you have made of him, Sia. But I have known him since forever. He is actually the most amazing person I have ever known.'

Sia weighed the information for sometime and then asked, 'Since forever?'

Saumya narrowed her eyes at her. That's all she picked? 'Well, we were family friends long before we became batch-mates. Our moms were like BFFs. I used to visit Ajmer with my family to spend all major festivals at his place. '

'So you guys are childhood friends?'

Saumya chuckled as a myriad of memories flooded her. 'No actually. Raghav and I used to be at loggerheads as kids. Competing for better grades, always. Believe it or not, I used to give him a tough time.' Saumya chortled and then continued, 'He was not always this technology geek he is now. Football was his religion. He would spend hours playing. Even wanted to pursue a career in sports.'

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