Chapter 30: Password Recovery

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Felicity wakes up twice the next morning. The first time, she awakens to a rocking motion and she’s fuzzy until she realizes that she’s being carried. Under different circumstances, she’d be terrified, but she knows her hand is wrapped around the strap of a quiver and that she’s curled against soft, green leather. Cold bites at her exposed skin in the sudden temperature drop, and she instantly pulls herself further against him. It causes a low rumble in his chest, and she feels more than hears his soft chuckle.

The Arrow shifts her ever so slightly in his arms, and then she feels her cheek press against the cool fabric of her pillow. She struggles to open her eyes, but they seem almost glued together. “Wait,” she says finally, her voice coated in sleep, the words sluggish.

“It’s almost morning,” he answers quietly, so she doesn’t have to speak. “I’m sorry—I have to go.” His hand falls on her hair, brushing it away from her face, and then slides down to run a line across her jaw. Finally, it falls upon her upper arm, and then his lips press against her cheek.

He turns to leave, but she takes his arm, opening her eyes wide enough to make sure his mouth lands on hers. It’s a brief kiss, and he chuckles against her lips before pulling away. “I understand,” she answers finally.

“I’ll see you tonight,” is the last thing she hears before her eyes fall shut again.

The next time she awakens, it’s to Saphira pawing and whining at her. She frowns because she doesn't remember letting her out of the guest room, but Felicity figures the Arrow was kind enough to do so. Still foggy, she opens her eyes slowly, faintly registering the sound of someone knocking at her door. Her vision is unfocused and hazy because she didn't take out her contacts, and she groans as Saphira starts barking again, this time charging toward the door.

"Just a minute!" Felicity calls in a voice coated with sleep, and then she takes a moment to take out her contacts and trade them for her glasses before scrambling out of bed.

She practically runs to the door, checking the peephole even though she knows that it's Oliver, based solely on Saphira's reaction. Sure enough, it is, and Felicity grabs Saphira's collar before reaching up to unlock the door. When she swings it open, she's surprised to see Thea with him. "Hey," she says cheerfully. "Saphira is particularly excited this morning, so I'll let you two sit down before I unleash the beast." She picks up the dog, who screams loudly in protest, trying to struggle out of Felicity's grasp. But Felicity's an expert with the squirmy dog now, and she knows how to handle her.

"Does she come with ear plugs?" Thea asks with a frown. "Oh, better question—is she supposed to make that sound?"

"She's a shiba," Felicity answers, yelling slightly over the noise. "They make high-pitched screams when they're excited or unhappy." She shrugs. "Right now, she's upset because she wants Oliver." He sits down on what has become his end of the sofa, and Felicity drops the loud little monster on his lap. "Here, have a dog."

Both Thea and Felicity watch with amusement as Saphira paws at him, begging him to pet her, tail wagging all the while. It takes her a moment, but she finally curls in his lap. Thea is the first to speak, shaking her head. "Ollie has always had a way with the ladies," she jokes, "especially the bitches." He throws her a withering look, but she just smiles at him.

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