Chapter 62: Replacement of Corrupt Code

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Felicity props her feet up on the metal gurney in the lair, grateful that they all made it back to base without being discovered. Now there's nothing to do except wait for the information to download and go through her decryption software. Because she doesn't have to do it by hand anymore, it leaves her with nothing to do except drown in her own fatigue. At least, until Roy makes it back in.

Maybe the teenager is a little too eager—which she plans to remedy soon—but his heart is in the right place. She knows what it's like to live in the Glades, knows what it's like. No doubt that he's been told his entire life that he's useless and disposable, like all of the Glades residents have been. But while Felicity escaped it by proving otherwise and making something of her life, Roy finds his purpose in helping the Arrow.

The metal door slams shut, and she knows by the footsteps that it's the man in question coming down the stairs. (Felicity never hears Oliver coming, and she can only hear Diggle's when the lair is deathly quiet.) "Before you start yelling," Roy starts, and Felicity doesn't even bother to open her eyes, "I just want to say that—"

The blonde cuts him off without a second thought. "First of all, this isn't an attack, so you don't have to defend yourself," she starts. "If this was an attack, the Arrow would have been waiting for you instead of me. I like you, so I wouldn't do that to you." She lets that sink in for a moment before continuing, "Secondly, any yelling in this lair typically happens between the aforementioned vigilante and myself. Even if the Arrow had been waiting for you, he wouldn't have yelled at you."

Felicity takes a moment to think about that. "He probably would have passed you a wooden staff and invited you onto the mats. Which would result in him kicking your ass before telling you that the Queens are under our protection, which means you do not involve them in this." She crosses her arms. "Because I have zero combat training, I'm just going to tell you that bringing Thea with you was a mistake."

She opens her eyes long enough to point a finger at him. "I'm telling you this time because I know you were just trying to help us, which I greatly appreciate. Now you know, and, if you do it again, I won't be able to save you from getting your ass kicked by a very angry, very green vigilante."

Roy snorts, and, even with her head resting against the chair and her eyes closed, Felicity knows his arms are crossed. "What makes you think I'd get my ass kicked, Blondie?" he retorts. "I may not be a trained soldier, but I can hold my own against the criminals in the Glades."

The change in topic is only allowed because she knows him, knows Roy Harper doesn't make the same mistakes twice. "I know you can," she assures him, and she's not trying to humor him. Felicity knows he's managed to fight guys twice his size before. "But the Arrow typically takes down a small army of trained soldiers every night. I'm not saying he would wipe the floor with you in two seconds, but you definitely wouldn't win."

Roy's voice changes abruptly. "The reason he knows how to fight is because he's an ex-spook, right?" he asks suddenly. "He was a special ops guy for ARGUS, wasn't he? I remember what he said about knowing someone in ARGUS who owes him a favor." He sighs when she doesn't answer straight away. "I won't say anything about it, but it's been bugging me."

Felicity lifts her head, opening her eyes to look at him. "Honestly?" she answers. "I have no idea. He doesn't really talk about his life before he wore the hood. The bits and pieces I do know are personal and I wouldn't repeat them to anyone."

A hand drops on her shoulder, and Felicity doesn't have to turn to know it's a green glove. "There's a cot in the back if you need to rest, Felicity," he reminds her gently. As if she's likely to forget; the first time they slept together—not sex, but sharing sleeping quarters—was on that cot.

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