Chapter 13: System Rescue and Recovery

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Felicity sighs as she sinks down into her couch sideways, flexing her sore feet as they fall across the cushions.  The party was nice—and she appreciated Oliver's invitation—but now she remembers why she doesn't wear those shoes anymore.  Saphira happily lies down on top of Felicity's feet as they both settle in for a restful remainder of the night.  Sure it's technically morning—after midnight, so it's officially Christmas—but Felicity has always been somewhat of a night owl.

Felicity picks up her new (well, new-to-her) copy of Tarzan of the Apes, settling in for a long night of reading.  The present came as a surprise, but Oliver was so insistent about giving her a gift that she couldn't refuse.  She starts to change her mind, however, when she opens the cover and finds it signed by Edgar Rice Burroughs himself.  That suspicion is further confirmed when she realizes that there's only one copyright date of 1914, making it a first edition.  She decides she's going to give it back to him—after she's done reading, of course.

Out of the corner of her eye, she can still see the green dress pooled on the floor of her bedroom, and she decides she'll pick it up later.  For now, she's just enjoying the quiet comfort of her Doctor Who pajamas.  The pajamas are navy with blue police call box TARDISes all over them, and her shirt is black with three salt-shaker-like Dalek robots on it.  The one in the middle has on a beige tweed coat, a red bowtie, and a red fez; the other two feature a long, multicolor striped scarf and paper 3D glasses, respectively.  Over the top of the trio, the word "IMPERSONATE!" is written in large, bold letters.

She's about halfway through the book when her cell phone rings, and she jolts as the Batman theme song starts playing.  She knows that ringtone, and she always answers it with a certain amount of trepidation.  Sure enough, the caller ID reads "Arrow" in big, bold letters.  She answers it by saying, "It's not like to you to call to say 'Merry Christmas'—"  She cuts off, completely changing her train of thought.  "If you celebrate Christmas, that is.  It seems to be the general assumption, but as a practicing Jew, I find it makes conversation awkward sometimes.  Especially when—"

"Felicity," he snaps, his voice barely above a whisper.  That's the one thing Felicity likes about him, she thinks—he never raises his voice to her.  Sure, they've had some heated confrontations in the past, but she's the one who does all the yelling.  Still, she notices that there's something not right about his voice, even under the synthesizer.  "I need your help," he declares flatly, which fills her with dread.  He's never begged before, and that scares her.

Still, she covers it with a dry, "Who or what do you want looked up, tracked down, or hacked?"  She expects a chuckle on the other end of the line, but it doesn't come, and she realizes the situation must be grave.  "Oh God, what kind of a mess have you gotten yourself into this time?"

"I'm outside the warehouse on the news," he replies weakly, and she thinks he's probably injured.  Immediately, she rises from the chair and scurries into the room, where she grabs the first pair of jeans she sees.  Saphira follows behind, barking until Felicity shushes her.  "The Dark Archer took hostages so that I would show up.  We fought."  He pauses, and she knows it's because he doesn't want to say he was defeated.  "You're the closest person to my location that I can count on."  He gives her the address for efficiency's sake.  "How fast can you be here?"

She trades out her pajama pants for the jeans, holding her cell phone between her cheek and her shoulder.  "I think I can make it in a five-minute drive," she says, not really paying attention to her words.  "I'm getting dressed now, so I'll be leaving just as soon as I slip on some shoes and a bra."  Her mind catches up to her mouth, and she groans.  "Which you didn't need to know.  Just ignore me, please."

He does so with practiced ease.  "On the west side of the building, there's a dumpster.  I'll be there."  He hesitates.  "The building is crawling with police.  Be careful."

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