Chapter 44: Currency Tracking Service

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At the same time a knock sounds on the basement door in the lair, Felicity's cell phone rings. Frowning at the dilemma, she first checks the security camera to ensure that it is, in fact, Roy Harper before using the computer control to let him in. Then her cell phone comes next, the tone indicating the caller so that she doesn't have to look. "I told you we have something going down tonight. Not that I don't love you platonically, but make it quick, Merlyn," she rushes out.

Of course Tommy would choose the worst time to call; he knows that Roy has spent the last two days trying to find where they're dealing Vertigo, and that they finally have a location. Tonight Roy is going to be the one to make the purchase, which worked out because Diggle is contacting his friend at ARGUS again about Deadshot. Vertigo has been Roy's priority, so they still have nothing on the Canary—except that she's stopped three more attempted rape cases since Roy caught up with her.

"I hate to interrupt Robin Hood and his merry band of thieves," he replies cheerfully, his tone telling her that he doesn't take offense at her rush, "but we have some other problems to think about right now. I tried to call Oliver, but he's not picking up." As Tommy clears his throat, Felicity thinks wryly that it's probably because he's in the bathroom changing into his vigilante gear. "Mr. Lance came by Laurel's place last night to see me. The girl who died? She texted me wanting into the club, and Lance's partner dug up the fact that Ollie paid off the inspector not to check the basement. I told him to get a warrant to stall things, but he'll have one by tomorrow afternoon, and he wants into that basement."

Felicity sighs deeply, wondering when all of her problems started to involve evading the police or nasty criminals. Roy walks in at the same time, frowning in confusion when he sees her on the phone. "When we get back from this errand, we'll help you clean things up," she assures him as calmly as possible. "And I'll relay the message right now—it's going to be fine."

After saying their goodbyes, she hangs up, intending to speak to Roy. He beats her to the punch, staring at the overturned wooden table in the corner. “Whoa, did you to have a fight?” he asks.

“Actually,” she corrects, “the Count ended up escaping from the mental institution—after the Arrow spoke to him.” Roy doesn’t seem to understand the significance, so she continues, “The Arrow doesn’t like being played, and he seems to have a tendency for overturning tables when he’s pissed.” Truthfully, it was a little scary; Diggle had announced the information he’d heard on the news, and then Oliver had turned to the table, flipping it without a second glance. Even when he’s furious, he somehow manages to control the anger.

"Not that it’s not good to see you," she continues with a frazzled smile, “but we kind of have an unexpected development we need to discuss, so just wait here for a moment. Don't touch my computers or cut yourself on those arrowheads." Without waiting for a response, she turns toward the bathroom.

Behind her, she hears Roy call, "I'm not five, Blondie." Felicity smiles at his dry tone, biting back the urge to tell him that he acts like a kid in a candy shop when he's down in the lair. Still, Roy actually looks happy to be helping them, and she doesn't think he's had much to be happy about in his life. She can't blame him—helping Oliver on his crusade has been an unexpected bright spot in her life, too.

She slides through the doorway into the bathroom just in case Roy is looking in the direction of the bathroom, ready to immediately start relaying the information. She manages part of a word before it finally catches up to her that he's pulling the leather pants up over his hips, shirtless and facing away from her.

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