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             They stayed silent as I searched through Blaise's bag for the antidote. I found three bottles, labeled "antidote for veritaserum". I gave them each a bottle. "Drink up." I said. They both downed it. "Alright. What'd we say?" Asked Blaise. "Blaise, you told us about fooling around with a Beuxbattons girl-" he blushed embarrassed. Draco chuckled. "And Draco, you said you were in love with a girl named Y/N and you were going to marry her one day." I said. Now I was the one blushing. "The hell? I said that?" Draco asked surprised. "See? I told you. You are a softie." I teased. He kissed my forehead gently. "Only for you." He whispered. I smiled back, and from the corner of my eye, I could see Blaise looking rather uncomfortable. "Erm- well Y/N, wanna give it a go?" He asked.

             I shrugged. "Sure. I'm down." I said. Blaise dropped 3 drops of the veritaserum into a goblet of water. I took it and drank it.


             "Alright. Spill." Blaise demanded. "Uh, well Hermione's in love with Ron, Ron likes lavender, Harry likes Cho, and Cho likes a dead corpse." She said. I couldn't help but laugh. "Continue." Said Blaise, laughing. "Uh for like half a year, I ate like close to nothing everyday, and erm it was because I would like pinch all of my stomach fat and wanted to cut it all of, but no matter how much I exercised, nothing worked and- honestly my breakfast this morning and my dinner last night was the most I've eaten in ages, and I just want to throw it all up-" I covered my hand over her mouth to stop her from talking.

             I couldn't believe this. I felt my heart break and tears start to gather in my eyes. She had stopped cutting herself, but she hadn't stopped hurting herself. I just wanted her to be happy. More than anything in the world. I would give anything to make sure she was happy. I was so fucking stupid. I didn't realize that something was going on. Y/N was still mumbling beside my hand. Blaise handed me the antidote. "Drink." I demanded. I felt tears stream down my face. "Hey Love. What's wrong?" She asked me. I suddenly felt angry. "Blaise, could you leave us alone for a second?" I asked quickly, looking down. He got up and walked into another room.

             "WHAT'S WRONG?!? WHAT'S WRONG IS YOU NOT FUCKING EATING FOR HALF A YEAR!" I yelled. I meant to speak softer, but I was just so fucking angry. "YOU PRETEND EVERYTHING IS JUST FUCKING OKAY BUT YOU'RE STARVING YOURSELF?!?" I asked . She held her head down, looking ashamed. "You said I could tell you anything! YOU ARE THE FIRST PERSON I COME TO WHEN I'M DEALING WITH SOMETHING! WHY CAN'T YOU DO THE SAME?!?" I said. She stayed silent, but I saw a tear fall down her cheek. "Astoria." She whispered. "What?" I asked. She fidgeted with the locket around her neck. "She erm- called me worthless and fat. She said no one could ever love a fat ugly bitch like me. I told her to stop but she just kept on saying it. I started listening to her." She said. She was sobbing at this point, her voice cracking.

             "Oh my godric." I whispered under my breath. "Please don't yell at me." She said, shaking. "No. I'm so sorry. I was just angry because I wanted you so much to be safe. I won't yell. I'm sorry Princess." I replied. "Don't hurt me please." She whispered. I hugged her gently. "I would never. I'm so fucking sorry. How long has Astoria been bullying you?" I asked. "Every since she found out we were together." She squeaked. "I'm going to fucking kill her. Any bitch who calls my bitch a fat ugly bitch, is a dead bitch." I said. "Draco, I love you. I do. I just think this is something I have to take care of by myself. Just- stay here with me?" She asked. "Of course." I replied.

             Blaise came back into the room and hugged Y/N. chuckled softly through tears. "How much of that did you hear?" She asked. "All of it." He admitted. "I love you both dumb bitches." She laughed. "Mmhmm. Which one of us do you love more?" I asked with a grin on my face. She smiled. "Blaise!" She said laughing. "Sorry man!" Blaise said shrugging. "No. In all seriousness..." she started. She hugged me a little tighter. "I love you the most." She said. She kissed me softly on the lips. Though soft, there was still the same electricity. I wondered if she felt it too.

             "I want what you guys have." Blaise whined. "Don't settle for less." Y/N said smiling. I nodded in agreement. "Well there is this one girl at Hogwarts. Lily Moon." Blaise said. "Ohhh! She's really nice! I met her once in care of magical creatures! She's also pretty cute!" Y/N exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "How should I ask her out?" Blaise asked. "Hmm. Go out side on a rainy night at a certain ball and kiss her randomly." Y/N said. "That's what Draco did at least." She said. I laughed and said "oh shut it. Blaise, just grow a pair and ask her out!" He sighed. "You're right." He said.

"Now go." Y/N said. "Wait what?" Blaise asked surprised. "Go! I want cuddles so you have to go!" Y/N explained. I laughed. "Y/N, you can't kick a guest out of my house." I said. "The hell I can! I practically live here now!" She argued back. I thought for a moment about a proper rebuttal. "Sorry mate. You can't argue with logic." I said to Blaise. "Alright. See you guys later." He said, starting to walk out. "Wait! Can I give you one last hug before you go?" Y/N pleaded innocently. Blaise turned to me for guidance. "I wouldn't if you want to leave alive." I warned him. "Oh come on. She can have one." He said. He opened his arms.
Y/N squealed and ran quickly over to him. She jumped up on him, toppling him over in the process.

"Shit!" Blaise yelled. "Okay come on
Y/N." I said as I pried her off of him. "Fine. Bye Blaise." She said defeatedly. "Bye!" Said Blaise before quickly running out of my room.


I have mixed feeling about this... it's sad, but sweet, but also really silly-

Just Imagine, a Draco Malfoy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now