A Lioness

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I was woken up by a sweet kiss on the lips. "Draco, just 2 more minutes." I groaned without opening my eyes. "How did you know it was me?" He asked. I lazily opened my eyes and said "love, I've known you long enough to know how you kiss." I said smiling. "We have to get up Y/N. Winter Break starts today." He said, tugging my arm out of bed. "Okay okay. I'm getting up." I said. I wanted to look nice today, seeing as it was my first time seeing Lucious and Narcissa since we started dating.

I put on a cute sweater dress with a black belt, and tall black boots.

             Draco put on a handsome Black suit

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Draco put on a handsome Black suit. "Y/N you look beautiful." He said, cupping my face. I blushed, smiled, and said "so do you Love." And stood on my tip toes to peck his cheek. We got all our luggage, and boarded the train to the manor.

On the way there, we sat in a booth with Blaise. We talked and laughed the whole time there. When the train stopped at the Malfoy Manor, Draco and I got off after saying goodbye to Blaise. We walked up to the door. Before Draco could open it, I stopped him. "Draco wait. What if your parents don't approve?" I asked him. He opened his mouth to speak. "I- I don't know." He said defeated. Before I could say anything, we saw the door open. It was Narcissa. "Y/N! It's great to see you!" She said smiling. She hugged me. "Yeah. Thanks for inviting me!" I said back.

She hugged Draco too. "Mother, when is Father getting home?" Draco asked. "Oh he's here now." She said. We stepped inside and put our things down. "Mother, Y/N and I need to tell you and Father something." He said. Narcissa looked worried. We sat down in the living room and we were shortly joined by Lucius. "Good to see you Mr. Malfoy." I said quickly. "Pleasure." He said shaking my hand. I sat next to Draco, across from Narcissa and Lucius. I heard Draco breathe deeply. Draco grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Mother, Father. Y/N and I have been seeing one another."

Narcissa smiled and said "you're good for Draco." Lucius stared at Draco and said "don't mess this up."

I smiled at Draco, while he kept a straight face. We went upstairs and put our things away. When we got in his room, Draco let out a sigh. "My Father really likes you." Laughed Draco. "Really?" I asked. Lucius didn't really show emotion. "Yeah. Mother and Father really hated Pansy when I dated her in 3rd year." He said. I smiled and said "I can see why."

Draco and I got our winter jackets on, went outside and started walking around the Malfoy garden, it was very large that soon I couldn't see the house anymore. Just a faint outline. The garden was made of hedges, with flowers and vines growing on it. Right now, it was all roses. White roses, red roses, yellow roses. "Y/N look" said Draco. He stopped in his tracks and looked up at the sky. I saw white large flakes start to fall. Draco turned to face me and I saw large snowflakes land on his eyelashes I smiled from the sight of it. Most of the time, he was angry, frustrated, and mean. But in the quiet moments when it was just us, he was sweet, kind, and pure.

He smiled back, and I kissed him. His lips were cold and wet from the snow. Our breaths warms our faces up and we saw large cloud puffs form from our breaths. We stayed there, for just a moment. Treasuring one another. Loving each other. It was in these small moments that I felt pure bliss. "I fucking love you." I said laughing. He smiled at me sweetly and said "I love you too..." Then his expression went hard. "...bitch." He laughed and hugged me tightly.

"Hey Draco?" I asked. "Hmm?" He responded. "Can you help me with a spell?" He stared blankly at me for a moment. "I'm- I'm not very good." He said. "Oh yes you are. Much smarter than you let others think." I responded, smirking at him. He smiled sheepishly and blushed. "So what is this spell of yours?" He asked. "Expecto Patronum." I responded. He looked around, averting his eyes, and grinding his jaw. "The one that fends of dementors. Where you need to think of your happiest memory?" He questioned. I nodded silently and heard him chuckle. "Darling, I would love to help you, but the last time I tried, I couldn't think of a single happy memory."


She stayed silent for a moment. "Me too." She said. She had such a painful past. Her unknown father leaving her, her uncle harassing her, constant bullying. "Alright then. When's the last time you felt happy? The happiest you've been?" I asked. She thought for a moment and bit her lip. "When you remembered me in the hospital. It hurt but after the pain, all that was left was joy." She said. I felt treasured by her words. The way she could express herself, the way that I never could. She pulled out her wand. "Expecto Patronum!" She said. A small light appeared, but no animal came through.

"That's alright Darling, try again." I said. She smiled and yelled "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I saw a bluish bright light expel from her wand, which soon morphed into an animal. A dragon. She turned to me and smiled. "Draco it's you." She said through her smile. I realized what she meant. How I told her I was named after the large dragon in the sky. I smiled at her. "Oh yeah." I said.

"We'll go on, you try." She said. When was my happiest memory? I thought for a short time, until my mind wandered to Y/N. the way her lips moved when she spoke, her eyes glistening in the moonlight, her smile, the way her touch sent bolts of electricity through my veins. She was all I could think about. "Expecting Patronum!" I shouted. The blue- white glow flowed out of my wand, but didn't start morphing. All of a sudden, I felt a warm hand cup my cheek. I turned to face her. "You can do it Draco." She said. Then, the blue glow, morphed into a lioness. I laughed. "Well would you look at that! A lion!" She smiled and said "look! It's me."

My lips were met by a passionate kiss. "What was that for?" I asked her. "Nothing." She said. "Everything."

Y'all, don't get used to all the happiness just yet...

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