Chapter 1

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Nialls POV

 We're exhausted by the time we get at the cabin having to be woken up at 3 in the morning to catch a flight isn't the best way to spend your first day of summer. When we saw the cabin we were relieved by the fact we could finally sit down and take a nap. Paying the taxi driver his fee he tells me about the legend of the lagoon. "People say that merfolk inhabit the lagoon only exposing themselves to the purest of hearts. Maybe you lot will be able to catch a glimpse of one." he says taking the cash and slowly driving down the driveway back onto the road. "What was that about?" Liam questions as he popped out of no where causing me to have a heart attack 'just the guy telling me the legend of the lagoon but I already know all about it.' I yawn grabbing my suitcase. "A legend?" Louis asks as he and Zayn overheard our conversation 'yep this place is pretty famous around here.' I tell them taking the key from Zayn and unlocking the cabin.

 "What is it?" Zayn says as they all become fully awake puzzled about the legend. 'nothing important' I tell them jumping onto the bed closing my eyes ready to fall asleep when I feel three people jump on the bed and hover over me. "It has to be important if the taxi man was giving you a warning." Louis says making the bed move as he pushes up and down on the mattress, popping one eye open I see that their all looking at me with puppy dog eyes begging me to tell them. 'FINE' I groan as I pull myself up and sit against the backboard as the three of them face me waiting for me to continue. 'Legend has it that a long time ago two men fell in love with one and other but being from two different worlds caused their love to face many challenges. For you see one man was from our world, a human. While the other was from the depths of the lagoon, a merman. As their love grew for one another a child blossomed from it. With this child being half mermaid half human it was said that in water it would channels it mothers form but once it became on land the fin would grow into feet taking after their father. Three years after the miracle child was born hunters followed the young human when he went to visit his family. With his love pregnant with a second and their first splashing in the waves the hunters came out from the hiding spots and ran for the pregnant man and child. With the human wanting to do nothing but protect his family, he ran in front of the men with the intention for himself to be killed as they make their way to safety. When the men went to stab the human in his heart a golden shield came from his chest protecting himself and killing the hunters. He was astonished by what had happened he turned to his pregnant love and ran into the ocean developing him in a hug a long with their child. He asked his love what happened only for the merman to respond "T'was the golden, pure heart that I fell in love with that protected you." then he kissed his human. As they kissed the human started to change developing the ability to breathe underwater. They swam away together into the deepest part of the lagoon to raise and protect their little family... Now if people possess a golden heart a merfolk will come and both will fall madly involve with each other like the merman and his human.' I tell them as they sit there with their mouths a gaped "So if we each see one we could fall out of love for each other and go to that person?" Zayn asks as he wrapped his head around the tale. 'No, there are some cases where a merfolk have come to claim more than one lover. I heard the biggest one was one merman and ten men in a relationship.' I tell them surprisingly they seemed more calm after that fact.

 After they were out of shock their adrenaline crashed causing the four of us to snuggle on the bed wrapped in each others and the blankets warmth as we drift off to sleep. My amazing nap was short lived as voices stirred me from my slumber. "Do you think he's met one?" Louis whisper out terribly, "Louis don't tell me you believe this crap there are so many impossible things in that story its ridiculous like a male getting pregnant or merfolk. Honestly sometimes you two are so gullible." Liam says in a huff, agitated as if they've been talking over this for hours. "But what if he did? Do you think since he's in love with us that were also in love with the merperson?" Zayn questioned causing me to think. Me and Harry were so young when we met that it couldn't have been love... could it? But I'm head over heals for my boys as they are with me, maybe we all love Harry? So many unanswered questions racing through my head I sit up wanting to find the answers for them. I jump from bed and slip my shoes on as I race out of the house with my boys in toe behind me. I run for the place that we always swore to meet at our own little rocky grotto. The boys yell after me asking me to stop or wait up but I just kept running. Jumping over broken branches and logs remembering there placement from childhood  as I would run through the same place to get to our grotto. As we make our way closer the sound of singing become louder and more clear as we get closer to the grotto. Braking through the bush I see him, he sits on a rock as his green tail sways in the water. He fixes his hair using a comb then places a star fish in the long chocolate curls. The feet behind me come to a halt as we stand and stare at the beautiful boy.


Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think about the Legend and how it will effect the boys?

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