Day 9 - Humming

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∆^∆^ Ink ^∆^∆

Drifting in the DoodleSphere, I had a song stuck in my head. Humming it, I continued my routine and progressed with the day.

Early Morning - Wake up and replace anything that changed overnight.


Morning - Main AU check. I just need to make sure the main AUs haven't been completely killed by Error and Nightmare's Gang.

Done, nothing out of the ordinary. Though there was another Aftertale missing, don't know how Reaper will react.

I can't get that song out of my head. What is it called?

Late Morning-ish? - I checked on Kyan and a couple of other Out!Codes.

Done. Nobody missing or hurt, just some small Multiverse drama. Kyan was branching into another 'Fandom', whatever that is. Checked up on what she wrote, I think it's cool.

Afternoon - Planning with Dream and Blue for a bit, Core joins every once in a while.

Done, tensions are growing though. Blue can't keep us together much longer. Core wasn't here today, they had an emergency panic with Fresh passing through.

The song in my head is oddly positive, I can only hum along. Who showed me this song?

Late Afternoon - Lunch with Error, Outertale again.

Done. I just want to make a peace treaty but we can't agree on anything.

Early Evening - Hang out with Kyan for a bit.

Done- I hope she isn't lonely. Flaff keeps bugging her and she won't leave that AU. It hurts how blank and suffocating it is. Maybe Dream can convince her to go to the Omega Timeline.

I wish I wasn't this scatterbrained, maybe I could remember this song. I can't stop humming it either.

Evening - Drawing in the DoodleSphere while refiling my vials.

Done. The AUs make a nice crackly sound that i didn't notice before. Kinda like electricity or crumpling paper.

What is this feeling? Not knowing this??

Night? - Sleep, if I can.

I can't really sleep. Not that I'm usually great at sleeping, it's just different this time. This tune is haunting me, even my memory can't lose it tonight. I toss and turn, unable to stop the soft humming on the tip of my tongue.

After many hours of this repeated cycle of frustration and confusion, I remember a snippet. A small lyric that does more harm than good.

"Do you think I'm dying? Do you think I'm going somewhere else this time?"

New style this time!

Asdfghjkk elections are stressing my out ;-_-

On another note! Can you guess the song? I love it a lot :> Another line: "I'll never say goodbye. Well- yes I will, but I won't say it tonight."

Stay safe, especially right now,

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