Day 3 - Study

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∆^∆^ Ink ^∆^∆

I stood in front of the house that me and Dream had built together. The other guardian had insisted on finishing the last room without me.

"Hey Dream, what will you do for the secret room?"

"You'll just have to wait and see!"

I smile fondly at the memory, almost forgetting that I was now able to look inside. I can't wait any longer to see what he's done for me.

As I walk in I pass a couple of the rooms; the kitchen connecting to a dining room, doors to cellars, and guest rooms beside bedrooms.

"We need a place for the injured. I am unable to find enough people willing to help."

"It's ok C- I mean Frisk!" I hastily corrected myself, seeing as it was Core's wish to be addressed as Frisk. I need to respect that wish.

"Me and Dream don't mind setting up a house for survivors to come and rest! Right Dream?"

He chimes in, "Of course! We'd love to help you Frisk."

I put my arm over his shoulder, feeling the comforting warmth. "We'll get started on it as soon as we can!"

Walking to the stairs I call out, "Dreamy?"

"Yes love?" I see him leaning over the banister. "Ready to show me the new room?" I couldn't keep the smile out of my voice, nor the heart that takes over my eyelight. It always loves to show whenever I'm with Dream.

"You bet'cha!" He comes down the stairs and drags me up the rest of the way in excitement. "Slow down Dreamy!"

He laughs his wonderful laugh, god he's so cute! "Neva!" Dream shouts.

We're both laughing messes by the time we get to the new room. I slowly calm down while taking note of the newest the surroundings.

The first thing I notice is the door to the new room. It's painted, like our room and the art room doors. And it has a carving of a book and quill etched into it. A library?

"Go on, take a look inside!" Dream said, breaking me from my thoughts. I snickered and pushed the door aside.

The room in front of me was beautiful. The low lamp light flickered warmly over bookshelves and desks. Scrolls covered most of the desks, adding a paper smell.

Dream took my hand, "How is it?" I hugged him. "It's amazing Dreamy! I love it." I honked our heads together, looking into his eyes.

"I love you." I hummed. He gave me a peck on the lips, "I'm glad."

Breaking away from Dream's embrace I explore the room. "This looks like a library. That's what your surprise room is, right?"

Dream picked up a blank scroll from one of the desks. "Nope! It's a study! Like a library but more private and with desks for writing."

He put the scroll back in it's place and came over to me. I gave him a hug, "I love it Dreamy. Thank you."

"Anything for you, my love."

Hope this makes up for the last chapter. I thought it would be best to do a sweet fluffy chapter after all the heartbreaking angst I supplied you with yesterday :)

How was it? I know it's Drink (which isn't exactly popular) but I will be doing most of the Ink ships for Inktobertale. Errorink will be coming!

Quick side note; I've been doing 400~ words (today's being exactly 500), such a pleasant surprise :D

That's all for today,

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