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It was a cool afternoon without the vibrating sound of the generator nor the sound from the television because I didn't switch it on, instead I sat down and watched Youtube videos on my phone. Kemi had gone to work since the early hours of the day and that even makes me wonder if she is ever going to date anyone let alone getting married, while the  person that has got her so busy is going around with someone young enough to be his daughter. Dad and Mum were in the room because it was one of those few days that Dad was not busy making any electoral arrangement. It was definitely an understatement to say I was bored, because if there were any other words, stronger than that, that will be the appropriate word to qualify my present situation.

I switched from the Youtube video to check messages I have on WhatsApp and sighed when there was nothing interesting. Akorede had followed his Dad to their home town and Funsho and Funto were on a date. Why doesn't she have a phone that does all these? I raised my phone up in the air because it looked useless without anything interesting. I felt like having a video call with Todun but it was impossible with the type of phone she is using, I held my phone in the air again and it fell on the chair when I heard a startling sound behind me.

"Kunle, are you okay?" My Mum asked me as we both reached out to pick up the phone.

"I am Mum, but you startled me." I replied and took my phone. She smiled and sat down on the hand of the sofa beside me. Did I tell you that unlike most Nigerian mothers, my mother isn't the plus size, she fits perfectly into anything, including sitting on the arm of the  settee and you are not scared of her breaking it.

"That was because you had your mind, soul and body somewhere else." She replied and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Your father wants to see you in the room." She added.

"Ma..." I said not very sure of what I heard.

"Your father wants to see you." She said again and I recalled what happened at the party. Did he know I was there? If he knew, he would have called me earlier right? I questioned my inner self and stared at my Mum, while she smiled in reply. My Dad rarely calls me to see him. Whenever he came to visit me at the States and called me into his room that might mean I would be in for a real tongue lash which he would not be allowed to do with a cane.

I stood up, faked a smile at my Mum and left to the room. He is the one that committed something shameful but why am I the one feeling guilty? I asked myself over and over again before entering the room. Dad was seated on the chair surrounded with stacks of papers that had the logo of his party. He placed his glasses on his nose and not even close to where it belongs. He wore a boxers and a black singlet. When he noticed my presence in the room, he asked me to sit down beside him and continued checking through the papers.

"You called me sir." I said and blamed myself for always staying at home. I should have been somewhere eating the locally made rice like Akorede and probably eating at a fancy restaurant like Funsho but I decided to stay back home doing nothing in particular.

"Yes I did, I want you to type this thing for me." He handed a sheet of paper to me. "I have to send it to Senator Sani today." He added while I read through what was written. He handed me his phone and I started off, intermittently I watched him read through the stacks of paper over and over again.

"I have to type this too." He said and handed another paper to me. "Will you be able to do all these before two o'clock?" He asked.

"I don't think so sir." I replied. As fast as I am at typing things, the quantity of what he required me to do was too much for me to meet up with that time.

"Maybe I should do this, since you are doing that." He said and took my phone from where I dropped it. He tried unlocking it but couldn't until I pressed in the password. Mum came back much later with sliced apple on a tray, she moved a stool closer to us, placed the tray on it before leaving the room.

"Where do you know her." My Dad asked holding my phone to my face. A picture of I and Remilekun were displayed on the screen. My hand around her back and her aunty's smiling face behind us. It was a picture her aunty orchestrated on the night of the party. I had even forgotten I had something like that on my phone. How did he even get to checking my gallery?

"Were you at this party." He asked me and I looked at him wide eyes.

"Yes Dad. She is a friend at school." I replied and resumed what I was doing since he wasn't asking anymore questions. I felt him stare at me several times but I decided to pretend not to be aware. I could feel the atmosphere of the room changed and I felt uneasy even though it was my Dad I was with and no stranger.

"Are you guys, getting it?" My mum poked her head through the entrance and asked.

"Yes we are." He answered while I added "ma" to my own reply. I head the sound of her footsteps as she walked away and I raised my eyes to look at my Dad.

"Dad, don't you think it will hurt her if she hears about it from somewhere else?" I asked him and he looks at me strangely.

"What do you mean by that young man?" He asked, looking at me sternly, as if to say are you in a trance or something?

"I saw you at the party, with her aunty." I said, took the phone from him and pointed to her aunty in the picture. He looked away and removed the glasses from his eyes, or would I rather say nose. He folded the glasses into its case and started arranging the papers.

"Dad, I saw you at the party." I waited for a few seconds and continued. "I even followed you to the car to inform you I was there but you were busy." I said and somewhat emphasized on the word "busy."

"Were you supposed to be there? Didn't I send you to school to study? What were you doing there when you were supposed to be in school?" He asked me furiously but consciously kept his voice down so that he wouldn't call my Mum's attention.

"I am sorry Dad, but my roommates were all going, I didn't have a choice. I am so sorry." I apologized expecting him to calm down but everything I said seemed to make him flare up.

"Olakunle." He called my name in its full form, it had been a long time he did that. "This is not America where you get to go around the country anyhow you like. This place is more dangerous." He warned and moved closer to me.

"Not a word of this to anybody, okay. Not even Kemi" He held my shoulders and shook me violently. I can't believe I am getting bullied by my Dad.

"Okay sir, but what about Mum?" I answered and asked him feeling worried for my Mum's security. How has my dad become a monster overnight?

"I will tell her myself. Is that taken?" He asked and I nodded my head in affirmation. "You will not come from America to spoil what I have been putting together before we even thought of giving birth to you." He added in a voice that totally shook me to the bone marrow. He let go of me and I left the room in a hurry. Mum asked me several questions but I rushed past her and went to my room. I really need an explanation on what has happened to my Dad. Why did I even think he will be remorseful when I informed him? I spat in disgust as I changed my clothes into a new one.

I went back to the living room on my way out and he sat beside my Mum, using his hand to trace the lines of her plaited hair

"Why did you go inside hurriedly earlier?" My Mum asked with concern written all over her face and I tried answering but my Dad answered before I could.

"He had a stomach upset and needed to visit the toilet." He looked at me sternly and I nodded my head like a lizard.

"Okay." She replied and filled her mouth with the apple sliced in a plate beside her.

"Mum, Dad, I want to visit a friend at a neighbouring Street." I told them and didn't wait for their reply before literally racing out of the house. I ignited the car,getting ready to go to Todun's place even though I have not known the place but then she seems to be  the only one that understands my plight and the thought of surprising her also crossed my mind.


I am so sorry for updating this late, please accept my apology.

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