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The medium size,pink colour wall clock ticked away on its own not minding how much I prayed for it to stop or slow down as I sat down on my bed and face focused on my book. I had a test to write in the next one hour and something kept telling me my preparation wasn't enough. The school examination had already been slated for a week later but something in me wanted us to start earlier and finish it at the same time. Home sweet home... I muttered silently and smiled.  Remilekun on the other hand, paced around the room and checked her phone constantly expecting Kunle to call her back each time she called him and he didn't pick. She grumbled, stamped her leg on the floor, whined and even threw the pillows in different directions and didn't listened to us as we asked her to stop.

It had been almost two weeks since we arrived from her mum's chaotic birthday party, a party that ruined one's night and not a word had been said about the issue since then. After Kunle and his friends went home that night, we went to her room, had a disoriented sleep and took off from home back to school as early as possible.

"Why isn't he picking up my phone?" Remilekun screamed aloud making me almost snap off from my thoughts and if I could remember so well, I lost count of the  number of times she asked that question.

"Maybe he is not there and he might be charging his phone." Tamilore who sat on her bunk with a textbook on her lap answered. She used the nail file in her hand to file her nails and blew air on them to clean the scraps.

"I have been calling him since last week, he didn't call back." She replied and sat on Nifemi's bed abruptly, she lifted her leg up to the bed, folded them   and held the phone up for us to see as she dialled his number again for almost the hundredth time. Don't you think you are going too far, I wanted to scream aloud, more out of jealousy and not anger because she was doing what I couldn't summon courage to do.

"Maybe he is asleep then." Tamilore said again as she got down from the bed and walked towards our bunk.

"He was online a few minutes ago." She said and stopped. "He is even online now. She added and sent him a text message which she signified ticked blue but took time for him to reply with a monotone.

"Maybe you should just leave the guy alone then, abi?"

"I can't leave him alone o, I can't. I have to take my mind off somethings and he promised to take me to that comedy show that is coming up this evening." She whined and dialled his number again while I sighed heavily feeling very angry at her lack of common etiquette. Was she ignorant to the extent of not knowing that the maximum of times to call someone else's number at a time is twice? This is what courtesy demands and at the same time to be polite. Or doesn't  she know that, her aunty is going out with his dad?

"If I will advise you, you should just let him be, the way you are even behaving will start to give him the wrong idea." Tamilore dropped the nail file on my bed and climbed into hers.

"Or maybe he got the wrong idea when he came to Mum's party." She sobbed.

"Wrong idea? What exactly even happened at Mum's party?" Nifemi who had been in the kitchen all along and whose presence was only made known by the clinking of the kitchen utensils caught in as she entered the room with a plate of beans and five slices of bread on saucer. "You know you never even told us what exactly happened at the party." She placed her plate on the floor stylishly and sat down on the floor with the same tempo. With what I have deduced so far, she seemed to be enjoying all the drama that has been happening and found joy at the party that came to an abrupt end because of two men and a woman who didn't behave well enough.

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