A thing

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Just as Jeonghan was finishing getting ready, Seungcheol pops his head in the door. "You ready?," he asks giddily. "I think so," Jeonghan responds distracted; His mind was still on the Mingyu situation.

Cheol was usually very generous and liked to treat Jeonghan. There were very few time he even allowed others to pay for his meal, so Jeonghan would make sure today he made an exception.

"I'm paying today," Jeonghan announces. Cheol's face turns sour, "Nope, no way, I won't allow it." To which Jeonghan protest, "How are you going to pay if you forgot your card?" Seungcheol rushes to check his wallet, when a pair of slim, delicate fingers snatch it from his unsuspecting hands.

Cheol had forgotten you can never really let your guard down around Jeonghan. The man had overactive imagination, that was used for no good. Instead of fighting back, he had learned to give in.

When the two men arrive the place is empty, all but two elderly men sit in the corner. Jeonghan notices Seungcheol's gummy smile and feels at ease. 'Maybe this will be easy', Jeonghan think is to himself.

As he grills the meat, Jeonghan listens to Cheol ramble on and on. He allows the stressed leader to vent and only nodding in agreement and laughing at all the jokes. Seungcheol grows suspicious when Jeonghan isn't cracking any jokes or making fun of him.

"What did you do?," He suddenly asks, Jeonghan goes pale. Seungcheol squints his eyes, "What do you want?," he continues to interrogate. Jeonghan was an extremely good liar, but this time he wanted to be truthful. He lowers his head and fidgets with his fingers, building up his courage.

Suddenly and unexpectedly Jeonghan spills out all his emotions. Yoon Jeonghan is not one to cry but his eyes fill up with tears. His mixed emotions run wild as he begins to come clean.

"Since our trainee days, I've had a secret. I just want to add that i'm sorry if this hurts you in anyway, but Mingyu and I have a thing."

"A thing?," Seungcheol burst in laughter. "You call it a thing?," he continues to tease. Cheol had an idea of what he meant, yet he found it hilarious. Jeonghan shuts down in frustration. Cheol reaches for his hand and gets a hold of his composure. "I'm sorry, keep going," He reassured the angel.

The next words, Seungcheol wasn't ready to hear. Jeonghan mumbles loud enough for Cheol to hear, "I love him."

Cheol stands up, visibly upset by the news. "Let's go home," he orders in a low and firm voice. Jeonghan doesn't argue, they pay the bill and start walking towards home. The leader remains silent and cold, not looking Jeonghan's way once.

"I- I want to apologize, but I can't apologize for feeling something," Jeonghan speaks up first. Seungcheol glares at him, almost with an offended look. "I'm not mad that you love him, I'm not mad that you don't love me, but why a seventeen member," Seungcheol sighs before continuing. "Do you know how badly this can end? What's going to happen when you don't love each other anymore?"

Seungcheol speeds ahead, trying to avoid the rest of the conversation. "Just listen to me," Jeonghan pleads with the leader, but it's useless. "Jeonghan, I'm sorry just give me a moment to think," Seungcheol apologize.

Jeonghan doesn't move one step foward, he looks on as Seungcheol moves farther and farther away. Knowing that he made a good point and he was right; What would happen if this went so wrong?

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