It's the past - Raphael Santiago

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You are a former mundane and used to be together with Raphael decades ago.

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago, Luke Garroway

Triggers: None

Request: Maple-syrup


"Go to New York and find out what's going on there..." The order rung in your ear. Klaus, the leader of the New Orleans vampire clan had sent you off to figure some murder cases out.

He already informed Luke Garroway and Alaric Rodriguez. They were on the cases and already knew the lead, the victims died of blood loss through bite marks after all, but the local New Yorker vampire clan refused to cooperate.

So it was up to you to communicate between the two parties, and you hated it.

New York was a beautiful city but the memories you connected with that place... they were nightmares.

It was the city of lost dreams, lost love, lost life and lost hope and returning to it, made your undead heart almost break.

"Get your shit together. That was decades ago. Give the city a new chance. Everyone you used to know there is dead now. You can start over. It's as simple as that." Klaus had said to you, and he wasn't wrong.

It was right before sunset, and you stood in front of the Jade Wolf, the accommodation of the werewolf pack and you felt really uncomfortable but Luke insisted that you were coming here. Nothing would happen. You're considered a friend.

Thankfully you didn't have to wait long before a tall bald man with chocolate skin color waved you inside the old and crappy looking restaurant.

"Sorry for the waiting. I send some of the wolves away, so we can talk in privacy. Enhanced hearing... you know the deal, I suppose. Oh sorry, didn't introduce myself. Officer Garroway, Luke for you. Welcome in New York." He said and gestured for you to sit at one of the tables.

"Y/N, nice to meet you. I didn't expect werewolves to be so nice to one of my kind." You laughed and sat down, across from him.

"Oh, I don't judge. The best friend of my daughter is a vampire... He's more like a son to me... And I still like him the way he is. Bloodsucker or not. Most of you didn't ask for it. We aren't so different." Luke explained.

He was nice and you appreciated all the effort he put in.

"I wish I could start slowly and give you some days here before we get to work, but I fear that we can't. The murders are getting out of hand. At least one corpse a night is found, and we know that it's someone from the local clan. Their leader just shut the doors and isn't willing to cooperate. He wants to find the killer in his rows himself. But we know that you're and his clan have a contract. Nobody can't be killed by each others hand. And I know for certain that if I..."

"If you went in there, you wouldn't walk out again. At least not alive. I got you. Let's start I'd say. They all should be up by now." You interrupted him, leaving a smile on his pretty face.

About an hour later you stood in front of the Hotel Dumort. You knew this place too well. Back when you were a child it was still open and accommodated a lot of rich people. It closed down when you were about 12 years old.

That was also the age when you met him. He, who just disappeared a few years later and left you shattered.

Not even some weeks later when you were left alone, you died, killed by a vampire.

Knocking onto the door with hard bangs, a tall woman with black hair and a glittery dress opened it.

The formal wear was a typical thing for the New Yorker clan. In New Orleans, it was nothing like that. Klaus was easy when it came to the dress code. "Wear what you want. Eternity is long, better spend in cozy." And oh how right he was.

The female vampire probably didn't have the same opinion. The look of disgust on her face made that pretty obvious.

"Thanks for that heartwarming welcoming. I'm in search for your leader. Klaus Mikaelson send me, New Orleans." You said, rolling your eyes.

"The Klaus Mikaelson?" People were always surprised when they heard his name. He has been alive for more than a thousand years, born somewhere in the 900s.

"No... the other one. Obviously the one Klaus Mikaelson. But he has better things to do than to deal with your bullshit, so just let me in and talk to your leader."

She obeyed and led you into one of the huge living rooms, golden couches and glass furniture.

After some minutes another person appeared and the woman let you two alone.

"Y/N?" The man simply said and stepped out of the shadows, a look of surprise on his face.

"Raphael Oritz Santiago?" You definitely were surprised, but not in a good way.

His appearance caused your heart to sting immediately. The man you knew too well. That held you in his arms in the darkest of nights when the whole city was in shock, the man that brought you sweets or flowers when he came over, the man that left without saying goodbye.

"You're alive." You noticed and looked onto the floor.

He came closer. "And so are you. It has been a while. I can't express in words how happy I am to see you here." You felt his hand on your shoulder, he tried to pull you closer.

Immediately you shook his hand of and pushed him back. "Yeah, it has been a while  since you just disappeared, leaving us all behind. Do you know how many endless nights I've been wandering around trying to find you?"

He nodded and you saw that he was ashamed. "I saw you searching for me."

"Ah, and then Mr. Santiago decides to just let me search until a random vampire comes up and kill me?" It was the truth. You were turned at a young age because you spend a lot of nights outside, searching for Raphael.

At these words he looked up in shock. "It's my fault."

"Oh, great, you start to understand. I was turned and no vampire in entire New York even tried to help me out, saying that I don't belong here. It was my luck that Klaus Mikaelson found me, almost killing an innocent man because I was starving." You were angry and tears started to blur your sight.

"It's the past. Let me explain. Just give me an evening, and I'll tell you everything you want. I owe you that. It's a long story."

And how could you say no to the man that stole your heart over 70 years ago?

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