It's fun - Raphael Santiago

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You are a mundane and need to feel adrenaline rushing through your veins in order to feel alive. You do this with roofing. (If you don't know what that it, just click onto the video at the bottom of the chapter, but only if you can handle big heights. I can imagine it's scary for most people. For some strange reason I'm a big fan of it.)

Characters involved: You, Raphael Santiago

Trigger warning: heights

Request: //


Pulling the hood of your jacket over your hair you grabbed onto the rusty ladder of the old building. You heard that this hotel is abandoned and nobody could see you.

Actually you wanted to wander through the hotel first but all the doors were locked and there was no chance getting in. You would have loved to inspect all the rotting rooms.

But there was only one thing that truly made you feel alive, and that was Roofing.

Most people don't understand the fascination behind it and call it insane and dumb. It probably is but nothing else can give you that feeling.

After some minutes you reached the top of the hotel. It was higher than you imagined and your arms were aching. As you wandered around, you admired the view.

Since it was night, stars covered the sky. The moon looked down on you and watched every step you made. As you reached the rim of the building you made out the small lights in the windows of the houses beneath your feet. So little, so vulnerable. Almost nothing.

You began to balance on top of the rim, carefully placing one step after another.

Making a mistake would lead to your death. That was not enough to give you a rush though. You already did that way too often.

You decided to try something new and lifted your left leg. You were only standing on your right one now, the other one dangled into the nothing. That was the moment the rush set in.

You felt the adrenaline rushing through your veins, your heart beating fast, your mind set free. You were so excited and felt so good, so strong, immortal, alive.

After some minutes the rush ebbed away and you jumped back onto the ground of the roof, taking deep breaths.

Staring at the stars you smiled, being satisfied with your achievement, when you heard a voice behind you.

'Not bad for a mundane. I think you forgot, you are not immortal.'

You turned around in panic. Roofing was illegal and you thought someone might have seen you and called the police. But the man did not look like a police officer. He wore a black suit, had dark eyes and hair.

'Don't even dare to run away. I'm faster than you.' He chuckled and you went some steps back, not remembering that you stood at the rim of a high building.

Stumbling over the rim you lost balance and began to fall backwards, another rush setting in. You just closed your eyes.

Roofing meant being okay to die. If you play with death, you need to expect it to play back.

Someone grabbed you by the jacket. Expecting the wind while falling down, you actually felt nothing but a soft breeze.

As you opened your eyes you were still on the roof, standing in the middle of it. You looked around in confusion.

The stranger just laughed. 'I told you, I am faster than you. Let me introduce myself, I am Raphael Santiago. And who are you?' A bright smile appeared on his face.

You gave him the smile back and answered.

He came a step closer. 'Y/N, nice to meet you. One question: why exactly are you doing this?' He pointed at the rim of the building and you knew what he meant, but didn't want to answer. 

'I am... I don't know what you mean.' Turning around you searched for another way down since he blocked the ladder.

He giggled again. 'You know exactly what I mean, liar. Answer me. I'm curious. And you actually owe me an answer since I just saved your pretty ass.'

Raphael grabbed you by the upper arm and turned you around.

You sighed and avoided his eyes. 'It's fun.'

He let out a sharp breath, still holding onto you. 'You call that fun? Can't you go playing soccer or dance or learn how to cook, draw or whatever? Do you need to balance on the rim of life?'

You knew nobody would ever understand. 'It gives me a rush. You won't get it.'

But he seemed to actually get it. 'I do understand. I like those rushes too, but I don't play with my life for it.'

You wanted to turn around again but Raphael grabbed onto your chin and forced you face to face. 'Aren't you scared of death?'

You remembered your motto. 'If you play with death, you need to expect it to play back. I'm willing to pay the price.'

He just shook his head in disbelief. 'We should go down again, come on. I don't feel comfortable up here.' He let you go and headed his way down the fire ladder. You did the same. Just three more steps separated you from the floor. Raphael grabbed onto your waist and lifted you down.

As you turned around you saw his smile. 'I don't ever want to see you on any of New York's roofs again, do you understand me?'

You sighed. 'But I want to experience the rush. Nothing else can give it to me. I want to feel alive.'

Raphael stepped forward. 'There is for sure another way to achive that. But that's not it. Whenever you feel like having a rush again, come to this old Hotel, knock on the door and shout my name, don't go in by yourself. And I'll show you what a real rush is."


Only watch this if you are comfortable with heights.


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