34- Just a Theory

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During the week, the trio waited outside the school for the glowing stairs. They sat against the gate around the campus on a relatively empty spot of grass.

After Cleo had relayed her findings, she found Charlie to be less than impressed.

"I'm sorry, but he frowned? He said he hadn't talked to her and then added "recently?"" Charlie summed up. "Cleo, that's like, nothing. He could've just been tired, or was confused by your question."

"But it makes sense!" Cleo insisted. "Come on, you know it does."

Andy, who was working diligently on creating a pile of crunchy autumn leaves, sided with Charlie. Cleo had a sneaking suspicion that it was only because she still felt bad about what she said behind the restaurant that Sunday.

"It could make sense," Andy admitted, "but it's not enough to prove anything. It's still just a theory."

Cleo pursed her lips together, wanting to keep defending herself but knowing when she was overruled. So she chewed her lip and stayed silent.

"Are you gonna try and see Maedrian again today?" Charlie asked to break the silence. They leaned back against the gate, fiddling with the cuff of their jeans.

"I don't know," Cleo sighed. "I'm beginning to believe she's purposefully avoiding me."

Cleo had tried twice more to ask Maedrian more questions. The first time was before Monday's training. Maedrian had gotten away by claiming to be on her way to a meeting with her husband. Then, when Cleo had returned two hours later, Nolan had informed her with a pointed look that Maedrian was still out. Yeah, seems like a real coincidence.

The next two days passed without much of note.

Cleo had managed to get herself out of about three-fourths of the simulations, which was pretty good for only a week of practice, she thought. She had, however, managed to earn herself a trip to the mysterious magical doctor after joining her friends for a quick one-time sparring session.

She split her lip open again (courtesy of Sona), had a major bruise covering her left shoulder (courtesy of Andy), and pain just about everywhere on her body (courtesy of everyone, but mostly the floor).

As she sulked over to the doctor, she hoped desperately that Charlie or Andy would always be there to handle any sort of combat they encountered.

Cleo did, however, get to experience the odd almost-magic medicine the Helopera practiced. Dr. Orion was a relatively emotionless man that silently led Cleo into a dim room, telling her to close her eyes.

Obeying immediately, Cleo felt a soft wind around her as she lay on the reclining dentist-style chair. Through the slits of her eyelids she glimpsed that gold glow, the one she had grown so accustomed to, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

When she came to, she felt as if she had a full night of the most rejuvenating sleep possible. Her bruises were gone, the pain in her knuckles was gone, and her lip had closed up and healed perfectly.

It was like magic.

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