28- Just the Abridged Version

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Clearly Cleo didn't think this one through.

She had absolutely no idea where Andy and Charlie would be, and the idea of wandering around and collecting stares from people was not exactly appealing. So she went to the one person she knew where to find.

"Uh, Nolan?"

She walked towards the desk where the bracelet-weaving boy sat, midway through his next project. His mood hadn't really improved since Cleo arrived; he had one boot against the edge of the desk and he practically fumed as he worked.

His head snapped up at his name, his fury melting once he saw it was not his mother coming towards him. He tossed the project onto the desk, lacing his fingers together and cracking his knuckles.

"Cleo, how's it going?"

"Oh, it's... interesting."

Nolan chuckled. "Yeah that'd be a good word for it. Remie's training you, right?"

"Uh huh. I uh... I saw the bracelet you made her, it was really sweet."

To Cleo's surprise, Nolan didn't blush or get embarrassed like she'd expected. Instead he smiled, looking quite proud of himself. "Oh, thanks! Gotta fill the time here somehow."

"Right," Cleo responded. "Hey, so Andy and Charlie were sent to a doctor or something, but I don't where it is, do you-"

She faltered when Nolan popped up to standing, sending his chair rolling back to the wall with a quiet thump. "Sure do! I'll take you."

"Oh, that's..." Cleo was about to say unnecessary, but it sounded rude. "Sure, why not."

Together they left the town hall building and started down the main road of the small town. When it was clear they would have a few minutes, Cleo figured she should make some conversation.

"So, that glow thing... does everyone have it?"

Glancing down at his arms, Nolan said, "Yup. Here, anyways."

"Is it like... Do you... feel it?" Cleo asked.

He shrugged. "Not really. It's just there, always has been." He ran a hand over the other arm, his fingers blocking the light it passed over just like a flashlight. 

Cleo just stared at it, the conversation faltering to silence before she tried again.

"What was it like? Growing up with all this.... You know, Champions, demons... your family?" Cleo hoped she was being too intrusive. She glanced sideways at Nolan, whose relaxed laugh surprised her again .

"That's a big question. You want my life story or are you asking about something in particular?" He returned Cleo's look with a faint grin.

Cleo grinned back. She could tell why Remie liked this guy.

"How about just the highlights?"

"Sure." Nolan cleared his throat dramatically, reminding Cleo hilariously of Charlie. "Well, it all started twenty something years ago when my parents met. They fell in love, I suppose, and then-"

"I think you can skip ahead just a bit," Cleo stopped him, a huge smile taking over her face. "How about when you met Remie?"

"Ah, yes. That's a good chapter. I'm assuming she told you who my parents are?"

Cleo nodded.

"The Silvers are- were- in charge of the Champion's Academy, like co-headmasters or whatever. So I was basically forced into it. It sucked. I was terrified all the time, I was really bad at it, too..." He trailed off, deep in thought remembering the years he had to face his fears over and over. Cleo had only done it once, and the thought made her shiver.

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