Chapter 13

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My alarm blared loudly in my ear as I grumbled and flung my hand out, blindly searching for the snooze button. My fist connected with the clock radio and it shut off, falling to the floor. Groaning, I shoved my comforter off my body and sat up, blinking and rubbing my eyes. The early dawn light filtered in through my curtains as the breeze blew them gently from the open window. My brain was still foggy from sleep; I was in that state between wakefulness and sleep; subconscious, I thought it was called. Swinging my legs out from under the covers, I stood up and paused, getting hit with a slight wave of post-wakeup vertigo before walking into my en suite to freshen up.

After brushing my teeth and splashing cold water on my face, I was a bit more awake. My brain started working again after I stumbled downstairs and poured myself a cup of steaming hot coffee and drank it as fast as my burning mouth would allow me to. After pouring another cup, I wandered back upstairs and checked my phone for missed calls and messages; none, except a message from Derek. I smiled when I opened it.

“Hey, baby girl. Just wanted to say I hope u slept well n had fun last night. I loved spending time w/u n can’t wait 2 c u later 2day. xo, love Derek.”

I bit my lip and grinned before texting back a quick reply.

“Hey. I had a great time last night, too and can’t wait for later <3”

Looking at the clock, it read off ‘10:48AM’, so I figured I could just chill for a few hours before I put on actual clothes instead of my baggy sweats and plain singlet. I walked back downstairs, coffee in hand, and flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV, flicking through the channels until I came to rest on the Sunday morning cartoons.

“Yes!” I cried excitedly; I hadn’t watched these in forever! For the next four hours, I proceeded to pig out on Cheerios, iced tea and Ben & Jerry’s chocolate fudge brownie ice cream whilst watching all my favorite old cartoons; Scooby-Doo, Tom & Jerry, The Jetsons, and even The Flintstones were on.

Eventually, four o’clock rolled around and I got up to go shower and put on decent clothes – nice jeans and a clean singlet. After all that was done, I pulled on my pink converse and grabbed a sweatshirt from my closet, not really caring which one as I snatched my phone off the charger and walked downstairs to wait for Derek. Around four thirty, I heard a knock at the front door. Feeling a little goofy, I peeked out the window next to the door and yelled, “Who is it? We don’t want any; nobody’s home!” I giggled, muffling the sound behind my hand when I heard Derek’s groan from the other side of the door.

“Layla, I know you’re home. Come on; I’m going to leave and you won’t get ice cream today!” he threatened. I heard the smirk in his voice and grinned.

“I already had ice cream!” I could just picture the incredulous look on his face and couldn’t help but laugh out loud as I pulled the door open, grinning up at him. “Hey! What are you doing here?” I asked, feigning innocence. Derek just looked down at me and shook his head, unable to hold back the small smile that tilted his lips up at the corners.

“Come on, you. Let’s go.” I giggled and stepped onto the front stoop, pulling the door shut behind me and grabbing his offered hand. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye as we walked over to his truck and got a random, sudden urge to kiss him. I sped up a step and jumped in front of him, causing him to halt before I leaned up and planted a quick kiss on his lips, smiling before turning back towards his truck. A light tug on my hand had me stopping as Derek spun me around and looked at me for a moment before lowering his lips to meet mine, crashing them together in a passionate kiss that lasted a few seconds too long for public attention. Eventually, he pulled back and just stared down at me with this relaxed look on his face. I smirked.

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