Chapter 6

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~ Damon ~

My phone buzzed in my pocket; I ignored it. It buzzed again, twice; I ignored it. The next time it buzzed, I groaned quietly to myself before sliding it out of my pocket and inconspicuously checking the messages under the cover of the desk I sat at. There were four messages from Derek; I rolled my eyes; what could possibly be so important?


'Bro what did u do or say 2 Layla today'

'I don't rlly care. I'm just wondering'

'Cuz her n her friend were talking about u at study hall today when I walked by their table'

I couldn't stop the small smile that spread across my face when I saw that. Layla was talking about me? What was she saying? I stifled a laugh when I remembered her reaction to me in the hall yesterday when I told her we were friends; she was totally shocked. I could understand why, though; we usually ignored the less popular, and vice versa. It wasn't because we were jerks – well, some of us weren't jerks – but it was just a clique thing, I supposed; it'd been that way for a long time and nobody had bothered to change it or even cared enough to try.

I quickly typed a response.

'What were they sayin?'

I slid my phone back into my pocket and continued taking notes, feeling a frown appear – and deepen – as my phone stayed silent for the rest of the class; it was a good thing we had lunch next period.

"Hey, hey, Damon; what's up?" Xander and Marcus called when I reached our table at lunch. I jerked my head at them in greeting.

"Hey, guys. Have you seen Derek yet?" I asked. They shook their heads and Marcus snickered.

"We know your bromance is strong, man, but you can wait a few minutes to see your precious little love lumps," Marcus and Xander were cracking up behind their hands that covered their mouths. I just glared at them before sitting down and stuffing a forkful of hearty salad in my mouth. Derek walked over a few minutes later.

"Hey, guys; what's crackin'?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Did you really just say 'what's crackin'?" I asked, scoffing. "Dude, you get weirder by the day." Derek shoved my shoulder lightly.

"Says the guy infatuated with a non-pop," he retorted, smirking. I felt my cheeks heat up, but put it down to anger.

"Whatever," I mumbled. "I am not infatuated with her. I just think she's cool is all." Derek smirked knowingly, but as I watched, it seemed like a flash of annoyance or – jealousy? – flashed through his eyes. He shook his head and looked away before I could tell for sure, though. After a few moments of silence, Xander broke the light tension in the air and talked about the upcoming football and soccer games this weekend; it was a welcome distraction. I didn't want to admit how spot-on Derek had been. I wasn't infatuated, but I did really like Layla; she was different than most girls at our school. I had just never noticed because we didn't mingle with other social groups, really, as stereotypical as that sounds.

I frowned at my plate and shook my head, clearing it of confusing thoughts before joining the conversation, saying that, yes; I thought this Thursday's soccer game would be good.

~ Anna ~

"Okay," I tapped the table Layla and I were currently sitting at. "Now that you've had your lunch, tell me what the story is with Damon!" I leaned forward, eager to hear the juicy news. Layla rolled her eyes and held up one finger as she finished chewing.

"That was my first bite of food, you dork," she pointed out. I waved my hand in a nonchalant way.

"Technicalities," I told her. "So come on; tell me!" Layla rolled her eyes again and sighed, taking a big gulp of lemonade.

"Nothing happened, really. He called my name and ran up to me in the hall earlier and I told him I wasn't going to do his homework for him, because I figured that's what he wanted, you know?" I didn't, but motioned for her to continue. "So then he told me he was just walking a friend to class. He meant me as the friend. So I asked him since when were we friends and he told me what happened at the party Saturday and how he was oh so honored to provide me with my first alcoholic beverages, and then I told him that I had to get to class so I'd see him around," she finished. I watched her carefully; she was keeping something from me; I just knew it.

"There's something else, isn't there?" I asked, probing.

"Psh, no," Layla scoffed, not meeting my gaze. I grinned triumphantly.

"There is! Layla – what else happened?" She debated for a moment, chewing her lip before sighing in defeat.

"It's no big deal, really," she told me. "Just when I told him I'd see him around – which is something you say just in general, you know; not like a, 'yeah, I'll make time to see you' sort of thing. Well I was walking away after I said that, but I could have sworn I heard Damon say that he was looking forward to it."

"Looking forward to what?" I asked, confused. Layla just looked at me; then, the penny dropped.

"Oh!" I gasped quietly. "He's looking forward to seeing you around! Layla, he likes you!" I clapped my hands excitedly, making her groan.

"No, he doesn't," she told me, shaking her head. "And even if he did, I wouldn't date him; he's a jock, and most of them are annoying. I mean if we talked for a long time at the party Saturday then I guess he's okay enough, but I still wouldn't date him," she spoke with a voice full of conviction. "You won't catch me ever dating a jock."


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